Fruit and Gifts

Jesus said that we can know the credibility of a ministry by their 'fruit', not by their 'gifts' (see Matthew 7:15-23). Gifts of the Spirit, as well as natural talent, are important but they are no evidence of a holy life. In fact, gifts can deceive us as to the true nature of a person. That's why character is to be the foundation of all ministry. 'Who we are' (fruit) is more important than 'what we can do' (gifts).

The interesting thing about gifts is that God gives them and doesn't take them back. Read this comment by Paul when writing to the believers at Rome …

"For God's gifts and his call can never be withdrawn." [Romans 11:29-30. NLT]

That means that a person can still continue to minister with the gifts God has given to them even when their character is not right. That's pretty scary because it enables people to abuse the grace of God – for a time.

Continue reading “Fruit and Gifts”

Disappointment and Grace

A guest post from my wife, Nicole Conner …


Today I wept.

Disappointment is a hard emotion to handle.

I am so disappointed to hear about another brother fallen.

So disappointed for the hundreds of people hurt, confused, betrayed.

So disappointed at another tarnish to the name and body of Christ.

So disappointed for the disappointed – the ones who may turn and walk away.

The frailty of our own sinful humanness is a heavy burden.

I get so disappointed with myself.


Only the understanding and experience of God's grace acts as an antidote to disappointment.

We really are earthen vessels, cracked and broken, shuffling around on feet of clay.

We may boast victories, and proclaim triumphs of accomplishment, achievement or success, however when closely examined they are mere illusions. None last, all are forgotten.

Continue reading “Disappointment and Grace”

The Next American President

USA flag Within a few short months, a new president will be elected in the United States of America. Will it be John McCain or Barack Obama? It's been a long campaign and there are lots of opinions about who is the best candidate for the 44th American president.

What do you think?

Here are a few additional links that may be of interest to you:

  1. Christianity Today's Election Blog
  2. Information on Pastor Rick Warren's recent interview of the two candidates.

Go Cats!

Cats For those living in Australia, our Australian Rules Football season has only a few weeks left, with finals coming our way in September, culminating in the big Grand Final on September 27th. My favourite team is the Geelong Cats and they are playing really well at the moment, looking strong, and in a good place to repeat their long-awaited premiership from last season. 

I've been to a few games this season and I always try to catch any other games on TV if I can. I find it relaxing to sit back and watch such a great team play so well together. Let's hope they can finish strong!

2008 Beijing Olympics


I'm sure that many of you saw the spectular opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. I found it incredibly inspiring to see people from over 200 nations gathering together in one place for a common purpose. It made me think of the church that Jesus is building, made up of people from every nation on earth. Our church now has over 100 nationalities represented in it and I love the cultural diversity that brings. It's like a mosaic of many different and unique pieces, crafted together into a masterpiece, a work of art that God is creating.

Anyway, enjoy the games! I'll be cheering on the Aussies for lots of gold medals. We're a small nation when it comes to population but a big nation when it comes to dreams.

A final thought from the apostle Paul …

"You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally. I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself." [1 Cor.9:24-27. the Message Bible]

Top 10 Life Changes that Cause Young People to Drop Out of Church

Here is another post borrowed from Steve Murrell's blog on a similar theme as yesterday's post …

This list is similar, but a bit different. Over 90% of drop outs happen during a “life change” season. Many of the top 10 “life change” moments that fueled the drop out seem mundane. But, when a person is in the process of fazing out of church, almost anything can become the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Here are the top 10 “life changes” that cause young people to quit church:

10. Lost touch with my church-going friends 9. Family responsibilities preventing me from attending 8. Made life decision not accepted by the church 7. School responsibilities preventing me from attending 6. Spending more time with friends outside of church 5. Became too busy, but still wanted to attend 4. Moved too far away from church 3. Change in work schedule 2. Moved to college 1. Simply wanted a break from church

Source: soon-to-be released book by Thom Rainer and Sam Rainer called “Essential Church”

Some reflection questions …

1. What life change experienced caused you to withdraw from church? OR

2. Why did you stay in church even through life change seasons?

Continue reading “Top 10 Life Changes that Cause Young People to Drop Out of Church”

Top 10 Reasons People Quit Church

Here’s an interesting post taken from Steve Murrell’s blog. Steve is the co-founder of Every Nation, a thriving network of churches around the world, with its headquarters in Manilla, Philippines …

The American church loses 70% of its 18 and 22 year olds. That’s scary. Think about your youth group, the teens in your church and in your family – by the time they are 22 years old – 70% will no longer go to church.

There’s a lot of talk about reaching the “un-churched” – but what about the “de-churched” who walked away from the church of their parents? Thousands of young people used to go attend church, but not any more. Why?

According to research in a soon to be released book by Thom Rainer, here are the top 10 reasons young Americans quit church.

10. I was only going to church to please others.

9. I want to spend more time with my friends.

8. I disagreed with the church’s stance on political or social issues.

7. I didn’t feel connected with the people in my church.

6. I became too busy.

5. I moved too far away.

4. My work responsibilities prevented me from attending.

3. I started college and stopped church.

2. Church members seemed too judgmental or hypocritical.

1. I simply wanted a break from church.

The #1 reason young people quit church is tragic – “I wanted a break from church.”
But why? Maybe #2 causes #1.

Refuel (Pt.8)

Refuel God has a purpose and a plan for each one of our lives. He wants us to fully understand it then pursue it with great passion. He wants us to live life to the full – enthusiastically and joyfully. For that to happen, we need to engage in regular times of refuelling – activities designed to help us replenish our spirit, soul and body. We all get tired and drained. We have limits. We are human. However, God desires to refresh, renew and revive each one of us.

Here are a few reflection questions for you as we finish of this study …

  1. What comes to mind when you hear the phrase ‘an emotionally replenishing person’? What qualities does a person like this have? How can you be one of those kinds of people for others?
  2. Think about the best time together you ever had with your family. What made is so memorable?
  3. Think about your most relaxing holiday? What made it so good?
  4. What is more important – managing our time or managing our energy? Think about the difference.
  5. Do you find ‘reflection and contemplation’ an easy and rewarding thing to do (Yes or No)? Why do you think you answered that way?
  6. Read Matthew 11:28-30 (see below) and spend some time praying that God would refuel right now.

Jesus said … “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me — watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” [Matther 11:28-30. The Message Bible]

Have a terrific day … in sync with the ‘rhythms of grace’!