A Fresh Look at Religion

With the recent Global Atheists Convention in Melbourne, it's worthwhile thinking about religion, including science and faith. Some people think that religion is dangerous and has done a lot of damage in the world. Obviously, there is an element of truth in that. However, Jesus never came to start a religion and his intention was never to produce the kind of violence and hatred that characterises so much of a number of religious movements today. 

On my BLOG I have some articles about science and faith, as well as an interesting series of faith looking at C.S. Lewis' journey to faith, which involved working through a number of significant objections. These are relevant to our generation today.

Click here to begin reading.



Techonology Tools for Effectiveness

TechTechnology, love it or hate it, it's part of our lives. For me, it can either be a great servant or a cruel task-master. The key is whether you are serving it or it is serving you. It's a matter of control and setting boundaries (something I'm stilling working on!). I love certain types of technology that makes life easier and enables me to organise the many spinning plates in my world so they don't all crash. 

On my BLOG, I have written a number of posts about technology that I find helpful, with topics such as: computer software, phone apps, social media, BLOGs, eBooks and my favourite web sites. 

Click here to begin reading.


Thinking about Spirituality

CandleGod created us as spirit beings, with a soul (mind, will and emotions), living in a physical body. Life should be lived 'inside out' yet so often we get caught up in the physical and/or emotional aspects of our world. It's time to go a little deeper – into our heart and our spirit. Our spirit is the part of us that can connect with and experience God. The writer of the book of Proverbs describes it as the candle of the Lord (Prov.20:27).

In our time, religion seems to be out of favour, while spirituality is in – all sorts of it. This is a reflection of the longing we all have for transcendence and for connection with something outside of and beyond ourselves. It's the God-shaped vacuum inside each one of us. We can try to fill that void with all sorts of things, but ultimately, only God himself can fill that desire and thirst we have inside of us.  

On my BLOG, I have written a variety of article related to spirituality, covering topics such as: prayer, connecting with God, ancient spiritual practices, dealing with spiritual dryness, stages of faith, handling doubt, and the love of God.

Click here to being reading and as you do, may you know a deeper and more meaningful connection with the God of this universe who has revealed himself to us as both Creator and Redeemer.

Developing Yourself

PDI am passionate about personal development. God's gift to us is our potential. Our gift back to him is what we do with it. Cemeteries are filled with undeveloped potential and dreams that never grew legs. Don't add to those statistics. Grab a hold of why you are here on the planet – your calling – then give yourself wholly to being the best you can be for God. The world will be a better place if you do.

Being your best is not about competing or comparing yourself with others. It's about being the best you can be in light of God's investment in you.

On this BLOG, I have written some practical and helpful articles on personal; development, including such topics as: life planning, stages of faith, increasing your energy, improving productivity, time management, seasons of life, daily habits, accountability, handling discouragement, managing your workload, and making wise decisions.

Click here to start reading today. Why not read an article or two each day during the coming week (there are 4 pages of BLOG posts for you to chose from).

All of heaven is cheering you on!

Learning Leadership

LeadIt is often said that everything rises and falls on leadership. No doubt, there is a lot of truth in that statement. Any time you find something good happening, you can usually trace it back to a leader who is leading well. Any time you find something falling apart, you can usually trace is back to the absence of a leader or a leader who is leading poorly. This is true in the family, the local community, the church, in business and in the nation. 

The debates continues as to whether leaders are born or made. Of course, all leaders are born but even gifted leaders need to develop their leadership ability. I also believe that everyone can learn principles of leadership that will assist them in being a more positive influence on those around about them. 

In my BLOG, I have written a host of articles on the subject of leadership, covering topics such as: leading change, perseverance, a leader's self-care, evaluating your leadership, the role of the Senior Minister, women in leadership, and sabbaticals. 

Click here to access them.