
A few years ago, when I was on a week-long prayer and silent retreat, I had just finished dinner and I walked out to the retreat centre's garden area. A lot of it was over-grown and unkept but there were some beautiful spots. Great places to sit, meditate, reflect and pray.

I had this image of being invited into fellowship with the Trinity. I put 3 chairs in a semi-circle in front of where I was sitting – one for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Spirit. It was quite impacting. I could feel their warmth and love. [See the photo below which I took]

Trinity Chairs

I had a few reflections at the time:

  1. This is the centre of reality as it exists – one God living in a community of 3 persons.
  2. I am invited into this divine centre. Not alone, but with others too.
  3. It is a fellowship characterised by love. I too am loved, cherished and I have dignity and honour – because of who I am.
  4. My relationship with the Trinity is to be one of intimacy and closeness – I am a family member (not an employer) and a son (not a servant).
  5. I am to feel at “home” here, not a stranger or a visitor, who is somewhat awkward. I must admit, I didn’t feel as comfortable as I think I should have, which showed that I had not been living in the sense of intimacy and partnership that was available to me. Why the distance?
  6. Sometimes it felt like I was just sitting there alone and God was merely a figment of my imagination … like the place was empty of life. At other times I sensed God's presence tangibly … though quiet and peaceful. God was just there. Then occasionally, God would speak … sweeping over my heart and mind with a rush of thoughts. I realised that I was more wired for God doing  something and if not, I quickly headed back to what I was doing … rather than being content to just be together.
  7. Thinking about my proximity with the Trinity. Am I content just to be still and present with God OR does something always need to be happening for me to remain attentive?
  8. When it says that God walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the Garden, it must have been the Trinity, not a single God! I too can walk and talk with the Trinity wherever I am. Where are they? Behind me, alongside of me or ahead of me? Think spatially.
  9. What will dictate my direction today? The Spirit is like the wind. You aren’t sure which way it is coming from or where it is going. Jesus said, “Come and see”. He didn’t give his followers an answer or a plan but rather an invitation. It was an invitation into a relationship and a journey together that would unfold along the way.
  10. Trinity fellowship leads to amazing resources for life and ministry – love, power and wisdom, ALL I need or could ever want.
  11. Where is the Trinity inviting me to today? Where are they drawing me? What are they drawing me into? Will I follow? Or will I get busy doing things I want to do. Will I get distracted and preoccupied with trivial matters? The choice is mine. The river is there. The Spirit calls, “Come and drink” and “Come up here”. Will I hear and see what God is showing me today? Prophets look and listen. They feel the pathos of God and know his thoughts. Apostles hear instruction and receive revelation. They are commissioned and sent ones. Ambassadors, representing heaven’s throne room. Called, then sent. Come, then go.
  12. What am waiting for? What else could be worth my time and effort? How deceptive the enemy is in alluring me away from this water of life to other containers that contain no lasting life at all.

Trinity … is it time for you to join the dance?

SEE also: An Invitation and the poems Invitation and Morning Moments.



Good morning, everyone.

It's hard to believe it, but Christmas is over and the new year is well underway. I've just returned to work after 3 week's of holidays and I only have 6 more weeks before I finish up in my role as Senior Minister as CityLife Church. I turned 55 years of age back in October and for me, time seems to be moving faster as life goes on. 

I was reflecting on this one morning last week and put a few words together around the theme of 'time' – in my amateur form of poetry. Have a read. Slowly. Savour the words. Think about your life. Enjoy.


Tick tock
Hear the clock
Always moving forward
Relentless motion

A new day dawns
Sun rising
Before long
Afternoon arrives

Then a setting sun
Evening again
The darkness of night
Another day gone

What's it all mean?
This thing called life
Searching for a purpose
Need to get it right

Something to decide
Or something to discover?
Make your own way
Or listen for the Other?

So fragile, so frail
So short
A blip in time
Blink and it's gone




This moment
Right here
Breath of life
Be fully present

Time …