NEW Book Release: “How to Avoid Burnout”

I am excited to announce the release of my latest book “How to Avoid Burnout – Five Habits of Healthy Living.”

Here is the description:

“In a world of rapid change, growing complexity and increasing pressure, stress and burnout are becoming far too common. In this practical book, Mark Conner shares five habits for healthy living, gleaned from his decades of experience as an organizational leader and Christian minister.” Continue reading “NEW Book Release: “How to Avoid Burnout””

Could You Live to 100 Years of Age? (Part 4)

Peter Drucker,
the father of modern management, once noted that we are the first generation to have two lives – a first half and a second half. Over a hundred years ago, many people lived to only 45-50 years of age. Now, as we have seen in this series of posts, many people are living well into their 70s and 80s … and some well beyond this (100+ and 110+).  Continue reading “Could You Live to 100 Years of Age? (Part 4)”

Could You Live to 100 Years of Age? (Part 3)

In part 4 and 5 of this series of posts on the possibility of living to 100, we will look at what longevity could mean for our lives. What does a life of significance, rather than mere success, look like? How do we break free from the conventional view of the three-stage life: education, vocation, and then retirement?  Continue reading “Could You Live to 100 Years of Age? (Part 3)”

Could You Live to 100 Years of Age? (Part 1)


One of the best gifts you can give those you love is to live a long life, Yes, why not plan to be around for a while. Of course, none of us control the number of our days nor do we know how long we will live. But there are things we can do that are within our power that can add to the possibility of a longer … and a healthier life.

Continue reading “Could You Live to 100 Years of Age? (Part 1)”