What a crazy time it is! The spread of the coronavirus is unleashing a pandemic of fear and uncertainty right across our world. This is impacting every one of us – mentally, emotionally, financially, and relationally. Who knows where, when and how this will all end. No doubt, it will pass, but at what cost and what kind of world will we return to? It will definitely be different.
At times like this, our relationships become more important than ever. Although we need to be ‘socially distant’ for a while, it is not a time to be isolated or relationally aloof. We need each other more than ever.
Recently, I shared a message at Bayside Church on Improving Our Relationships. You can listen to the message on my podcast (visit my Podbean site or download it from your favourite podcast APP). For a summary of the message, why not re-visit these blog posts which cover the main three insights for improving our relationships:
Stay safe and take advantage of this time to strengthen your own relationships.