Welcome to 2021

Happy new year, friends! I hope that you had an enjoyable Christmas and holiday season and that 2021 has started well for you. 

Back in September 2020, we launched Soul Food with Mark Conner, a short, weekly video-cast of encouragement and insight aimed at improving your overall, personal well-being.

Our first series was around the theme of ‘Self Care’. The best gift you can give to other people is you being a healthy person – in every area of your life. There were 13 episodes and we covered a variety of important topics, each focused on one aspect of self-care.

Below is a list of all 13 episodes along with a link to a transcript of the video content. You can watch any or all of these episodes on the Soul Food YouTube ChannelInstagram TV, or the Soul Food Facebook page. Why not listen to an episode you missed or review one that is most relevant for you at the moment.

  1. Self Care
  2. Reflection
  3. Mindfulness
  4. Internal Stress
  5. Emotions
  6. Conflict
  7. Relationships
  8. Hobbies
  9. Personal Growth
  10. Sleep
  11. Exercise
  12. Diet
  13. Energy

New episodes of Soul Food are coming your way soon.