I like to start each day with some time alone … with God. I read and reflect on the Scriptures (check out the CityLife Bible reading schedule for 2013) as a means of connecting with God. I also like to write my thoughts out in a journal. Sometimes I'll just record what has been happening and what's coming up in the day ahead. I also like to make use of questions. Here are my favourite three:
1. How do I feel?
We often live at such a fast pace that we are not even aware of what is happening inside of us. This question forces me to slow down … to look beyond what I am doing or even what I am thinking to see what I am feeling. What emotions are swirling around inside of me? Give them voice and then reflect on them. Don't try to evaluate them or fix them. Just feel them fully. Emotions are indicators (like a dashboard) of what's happening deep inside our heart. Give them attention. The Old Testament Psalms are a vivid example of this.
2. What do I want to say to God?
Tell God what you feel. Pour out your heart to him. Be open and honest. Share your concerns and worries. Share your joys and triumphs. Share your defeats and failures. He knows it all but there is something powerful in expressing it to Him. Prayer is simply conversation with God. Write your thoughts out, speak them out in your mind, or give voice to them. Once again, the Psalms demonstrate this profoundly.
3. What does God want to say to me?
God's Spirit lives within us and he knows the thoughts and mind of God (see 1 Corinthians 2). Ask God to speak to you. His words usually come like a steady flow of thoughts that are not premeditated. Just write or type what you feel or sense. Then you can evaluate it. The enemy always come to steal, kill and destroy but God comes to gives us life (John 10:10). The enemy always condemns – a general feeling of never being good enough – while the Spirit always convicts – a very specific thing with a required response. Remember, God has revealed himself to us as a Trinity – One God existing in three persons: our Father, Jesus as our Saviour, and the Spirit as our Helper. Join in the fellowship and partnership of God today. God's Words are Spirit and life. See them as your daily bread, bringing nourishment to your soul.
Questions are powerful. Ask them and then see what God does.
Have a terrific day!