Michael Hyatt has an excellent BLOG packed full of practical advice. Here is part of his recent post on what to do when you're feeling overwhelmed with your workload, which I'm sure we all experience from time totime.
MICHAEL: Here are six things you can do to cope. Trust me, I am preaching to myself!
1. Acknowledge you can’t do it all. The idea that you will eventually get caught up is a myth. It’s impossible. You have more work than you can reasonably expect to get done. And unfortunately, your workload is not static. Even now, while you are reading this post, your inbox is filling up with fresh new tasks.
2. Accept the fact some things won’t get done at all. This flows from the first item. You have to make peace with the fact that you must leave some things undone—for the sake of your own sanity.
3. Practice workload triage. On the battlefield, medics have to decide where to apply their limited resources. They can’t help everyone. According to Dictionary.com, triageis the process of sorting victims, as of a battle or disaster, to determine medical priority in order to increase the number of survivors.”
Some patients will survive without medical care. Some won’t survive even if they have medical care. Triage means ignoring these two groups and focusing on those that will only survive with medical care. You must know which things you can safely ignore and which things demand your intervention.
4. Categorize your tasks by priority. In my view, this is the one thing missing from David Allen’s system. It assumes all tasks are equal. Or to say it another way, you can only decide a task’s relative priority in the moment.This doesn’t work for me. I end up with scores of tasks I must review every day. My eyes glaze over, and I fall prey to what Charles Ummel calls the Tyranny of the Urgent.
Instead, I like the Franklin-Covey method of assigning a priority tag to each task:
A—urgent and important
B—important but not urgent
C—urgent but not important
D—not urgent or important
I personally categorize each task with one of these tags. At the beginning of each day, I focus on my A’s first. If I get those done, I move to the B’s, then the C’s.
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