Getting Ready for the New Year


In a few days time, we'll be into a New Year – 2016. The year 2015 will be history – water under the bridge. At transition times like this between years, it's beneficial to pause, take some time aside and think about your life. Someone once said, "The unexamined life is not worth living" and Moses prayed to God , "Teach us to number our days that we may present to you a heart of wisdom (Psalm 90:12)."

Over the years, I have written a variety of BLOG posts designed to assist you in this process. Check out a few of these links below. I'm sure you'll find some helpful insights or questions for your own life.

Here's to an enjoyable and fruitful New Year!

Developing New Habits


Habits are what we do habitually, automatically or without thinking. They are very powerful! An old poem puts it like this:

    Sow a thought, reap an act

    Sow an act, reap a habit

    Sow a habit, reap a character

    Sow a character, reap a destiny.

A lot of new research has emerged of late about not only the power of habits but about the difficulty we experience in breaking bad habits and establishing new healthy habits. One of the keys to developing new habits is to have some accountability for the goals or rituals you are seeking to embed in your life. This could be a friend that checks up on you or even better an App that can be your daily coach.

There are now a huge variety of apps that have been designed to help you form good habits. Recently, I've started using the Strides App and I find it really helpful. It syncs across different devices and has a variety of types of goals and habits you can measure. The basic version is free and it's very easy to use. Check out a review or a video demo if you are interested.

My habits are vital to my disciplined lifestyle and having a tool that holds me accountable is very helpful. I DO have good intentions but if they are not pushed to me and if I don't measure my progress, I can often drift and fall short. This leads to frustration and ill-health. In contrast, living daily by habits that shape my life positively creates joy and a sense of fulfillment.

What new habits are you going to form or strengthen in the new year? It's all about becoming the person you really want to be.

See also:

Devotional Bible Reading


Every year, we encourage our church to read through the Bible. There are a variety of reading programs available online. This year we will read through the New Testament, as well as the books of Psalms and Proverbs. 

There is a great benefit in using a devotional format for Bible reading aimed at hearing from God daily and responding to his leading. The goal is not to just ‘get through’ your Bible reading but to allow God’s Word to ‘get in’ to your heart and life, bringing about personal growth and positive change.

As you do your daily reading, consider using the following devotional format:

Scripture – write out a verse or two that speak specifically to you today.

Observation – make a note of what you observe in the text. What was happening back 'there and then'?

Application – write out how God’s Word applies to your life. What does this mean to you 'here and now'?

Prayer – write out a prayer of response to what God has said to you.

You can do this by yourself, with your family, with some friends or as part of your Life Group. As you make your time with God and his Word the priority of your day, you will experience a tangible ‘washing of the Word’ in your heart and life.

The Power of Clarity


As we prepare to move into a new year, I am sure we all face various circumstances that are beyond our control. Sometimes what we need is actually not more power but more clarity. Three times in the Gospels, Jesus was approached by someone obviously needing healing and he said to them, "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus assumed nothing but asked them to declare what they wanted. Maybe their greatest need was clarity. What do you really want?

Not what do other people want for you? We all know that many other people have a wonderful plan for our lives! What do YOU want? What are the desires God has put within your heart?

Although we are to live with a servant heart, we can't live our life for others or we will become dependent on their approval, constantly looking for their affirmation. We are to live for an audience of one and that One (Jesus) asks us to consider what we want. 

The end of another year provides us with a perfect opportunity to reflect on the answer to that question – one that only you can answer.

So what do you want?

Getting clear on that has a ripple affect on everything else in our life, including our priorities and our decisions.

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭37:4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

What to do with Christmas?

Can you believe it's almost Christmas! 

Usually around this time of the year, you'll hear some questions or comments from some well-meaning Christians such as:

  • "Jesus was not born in December."
  • "The Bible never tells us to celebrate the birth of Jesus."
  • "The Christmas tree is a pagan tradition."

True, the early Christians did not celebrate the birth of Jesus and Jesus never asked them to. They focused on his death and resurrection, as well as his promised return. Christmas Day as it is celebrated today did not begin until the fourth century. Interestingly enough, Jesus was most likely born in October not December. Shepherds don't have their sheep out in the December snow in the northern hemisphere! 

Many of today’s Christmas traditions (including Santa Claus and Christmas trees) have nothing to do with the message of Christ as portrayed in the Gospels. Nevertheless, it is a great time for Christians and the church to make the most of the opportunity to focus on the coming of Jesus Christ to earth as a baby born in Bethlehem. 

At CityLife Church, we find that unchurched family members, neigbours and friends will often visit our Christmas services even more than at other times of the year. So we love to take advantgae of this season to get the good news about Jesus out there loud and clear. Just because 'Santa' is an anagram for 'Satan' doesnt mean we should boycot Christmas!

No other person has influenced the world like Jesus Christ. Let’s worship him together and make him known this Christmas season.

See also:

The Best Christmas Gifts are FREE


Christmas is right around the corner and many people are starting to think about what gifts to buy for family and friends. The truth is that as you get older you start to realise that you don't really need more 'stuff'! In fact, more 'things' don't bring more happiness. 

Some of the best gifts in life are FREE. Here are a few of those you might consider giving this Christmas:

1. Gratitude.

Why not give the gift of appreciation? Just say 'thank you' to someone in your world. The story is told in the Gospels about Jesus healing 10 lepers but only one taking the time to come back to Jesus and express his gratitude. I am sure the other 9 were thankful, they just didn't take the time to express it. We too, take so much for granted. Where would you be today without …? Who has helped you along the way this year? Let them know. Give the gift of gratitude.

2. Encouragement.

Encouragement is like "oxygen for the soul” – we all need a heap of it just to breathe. No child wants to feel like the only way to get mum or dad's attention is to do something wrong. No employee wants to only hear from their boss when they've made a mistake. No politician only wants to hear from their constituents when they have a criticism to make. No pastor only wants to hear from their congregation when they have a complaint. We all thrive on encouragement! Why not give the gift of encouragement to someone this year at Christmas. Mark Twain once said, "I can live for two months on a good compliment."

3. Forgiveness.

We all say or do things we regret. That's why we need forgiveness. Other people hurt us too – through offences, annoyances and mistakes. Our natural desire is to get even or to take revenge. However, that anger not only damages other people, it also damages us too. Nelson Mandela once said, "Holding on to bitterness is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill our enemies!" Who can you forgive this Christmas? Don't lose your joy over something someone else has done to you. 

So … who can you thank, who can you encourage and who can you forgive … this Christmas?

These gifts are FREE but they may turn out to be the best gift you give the people around you this Christmas.

See also Jesus, the Perfect Christmas Gift.

Jesus – the Perfect Christmas Gift


It’s Christmas time again. I wonder what you enjoy most about this season? Maybe it’s the Christmas carols, the holidays, or the shopping. I know for the kids, it’s the presents. That’s what I looked forward to when I was young – maybe a new Mechano set or an extension to my Motorific slot car course. Today kids are into Star Wars paraphernalia, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the most covered gift of the season – the hoverboard. Pretty cool … and pretty pricey. 

You know, God took time to think about the kind of gift we needed. As Max Lucado once said,

“If our greatest need had been technology, he would have sent us a scientist.

If our greatest need was information he would have sent us an educator.

If our greatest need was money he would have sent an economist.

But because our greatest need was forgiveness, he sent us as Saviour."

My prayer is that you will open up that amazing gift this year.

Jesus is the Perfect Christmas Gift for Everyone.

Necessary Endings


Do you feel like a chapter is coming to an end in some area of your life? Maybe that is just what is needed in order for God to begin something new for you?

Life is lived in seasons and seasons are made up of endings and new beginnings. This coming weekend at CityLife, I will share a message with some insights into how to navigate these transitions well, which includes learning to let go of the past and move forward into the future God has for us. 


  • "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiates 3:1
  • “True life success is doing the very best you can at where you are now then not being afraid to end that and take the next step. The endings and the great beginnings are somehow linked together. You can’t have one without the other.” Henry Cloud in Necssary Endings.
  • “Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Roman philosopher Seneca
  • “On the spiritual journey … each time a door closes, the rest of the world opens up. All we need to do is stop pounding on the door that just closed, turn around – which puts the door behind us – and welcome the largeness of life that now lies open to our souls.” Parker Palmer