
None of us like to talk about death. It is an enemy that steals away the ones we love. My step-mum, Rene Conner passed away recently. It’s been hard for all for all of us, but especially for my dad. I was walking through their home a few days back – so empty now. A flourishing garden, but no one to care for it now. I sketched the following poem after that.

Just like that
Gone for good
Not coming back
Life is over

Sobering and surreal
The frailty of life
In a moment
It is no more


What really matters?
What lasts?
What’s it all about?
What are we living for?

Left it all behind
Stuff and more stuff
Meaningless now
Of no use at all

The grief and the loss
The tears and the pain
Left behind
We still remain

A hole in the heart
A missing limb
Part of us gone
Never to return

Our life goes on
Each day a gift
No guaranteed future
Will tomorrow come?

Live to the full
Be in the moment
Give it your all
Only love lasts

NEW Book: “The Spiritual Journey – Understanding the Stages of Faith”

In December last year, one of my goals for 2018 was to publish three books. Well, number three was released a few weeks ago. It’s called The Spiritual Journey: Understanding the Stages of Faith. I am really excited about it as I believe this material will be of help to many people in their spiritual journey, whether seekers, beginners, or experienced travellers.

When you are on a journey, it helps to have a map of the terrain and a guide to help you along the way. In this book, I present such a map and seek guide people through the stages of faith that are common to the spiritual journey. This journey is rarely linear or in a straight line. There are many curves, twists and surprises along the way. Sometimes we seem to move in circles or in random patterns that don’t make sense at the time. Nevertheless, God is at work in our lives. Welcome to the journey of faith.

The book can be purchased from WORD in Australia or internationally from Amazon in either paperback or eBook format.

Here are a few endorsements:

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What Happens After Death?

Life is a gift – to be enjoyed and lived to the full. Yet life is uncertain and death is inevitable. In many ways, life is like a room with two doors. We enter through the door of birth and we leave through the door of death. There is a “time to be born and a time to die”. None of us knows the distance between those two doors.

Let’s face it, death is not something we like to talk about. Sometimes we live as if we’ll never die. No wonder, we are often unprepared for it (see my recent poem called Gone). The truth is, all of us have an appointment with death. No one escapes it. The last time I checked, the death rate was running at about 100%.

Some of the common questions people ask today are, “What happens after death?” and “Is there an afterlife?”

There has been some intriguing research done on near-death experiences. Of people who have been close to death, about 40 percent report a similar pattern: an experience of journeying through a tunnel, a burst of light, a feeling of being in the presence of a loving reality, quite often accompanied by a sense of being out of one’s body.

The last component sometimes includes a sense of being able to see one’s body from a vantage point beyond the body. A significant number of reports include details about what was going on that the person could not have witnessed from within his or her body.

This is very interesting, because if our consciousness and perception can even momentarily be separate from our bodies, then the modern linkage between the brain and human consciousness is called into question, and we have no idea what is possible beyond death. Just because a body stops breathing or a brain shuts down, doesn’t mean the person ceases to exist.

There are a wide variety of ways people have thought about this through history, including Christians and those of other religions. So, what happens after death – is it heaven, hell, purgatory, reincarnation, soul sleep, or nothing?

If heaven, are we the same person – or different? Will there be family reunions in heaven? Most funeral sermons suggest so. If so, is this good news or bad news? If you liked your family, this may be good news but if you didn’t, maybe not! Eternity with these people!?

The truth is that none of us knows for sure what happens after death. Of course, our beliefs are important but simply believing something doesn’t make it a reality.

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Rene Conner Passes Away

Early last Thursday morning, my step-mum, Rene Conner passed away peacefully in her sleep at the Ringwood Private Hospital. She was 89 years of age. It was really hard to see her go but we are glad that she is now free from pain and discomfort. My 91-year-old dad found it very hard, as you can imagine.

Today we have a public thanksgiving service for her at CityLife Church at 12.30 pm Melbourne time.

UPDATE 21st October: You can watch the video recording of the service online at this linkI have summarised part of my message from the service in a post called “What Happens After Death?” and I wrote a poem recently called Gone.

Below is a brief eulogy of Rene’s life.

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