2. Relationship over Task
All of us will have a LOT of tasks and projects to DO this year. I love tasks. I even have a task list when I am on holidays. I love ticking off checkboxes next to completed tasks. I thrive on achievement. But I also realise that DOING must flow out of BEING.
We all know the story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42) and the constant tension between ministry for God and relationship with God. It is not an either/or proposition but an establishment of what is primary. Spirituality is the key to intimacy and greater productivity and fruitfulness.
The BIG Idea of the Christian Life is:
a. Intimacy with God (through hearing/conversation and seeing/experience) … which leads to …
b. Wisdom for Life (having God’s perspective) … which we then …
c. Speak out (communication – the prophetic dimension)
d. Act out (leadership – the apostolic dimension)
The order and the process are vital. If we don’t establish and maintain #1, then everything else becomes dry, stale and ultimately ineffective.
In Exodus 16 we read about God sending Israel the quail and manna daily (evening and morning). If they kept it longer it rotted. He sent it but they had to collect it themselves. In the same way, may we take time and give priority each day to connect with God so that our relationship with Him becomes the foundation for all we do.
This is great! I believe I’ll be a part of your church soon and have been going through this blog just to capture the heart of the leader. Im so inspired by what I read and it will be the greatest honor to be a part of your church.
Thanks Jane!