Renata1Nicole’s mother, Renate Meyer (affectionately known as ‘Oma’, which is German for grandmother), passed away earlier this week, after an intense battle with cancer. Yesterday we held a thanksgiving service for her life.

We sang a few of her favorite songs – What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Praise the Name of Jesus, and Amazing Grace. Nicole gave the eulogy (click here to read a copy of it). We watched a DVD photo montage of her life. We listened to tributes from Rene Conner, Lisa Wotton, Samia Sedhom, Lynn Moresi, and the grandkids – Ashley, Josiah, and Natasha.

Psalm 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints (his faithful and loved ones).” The Lord cares deeply when his loved ones die. Death is not precious. No, not at all. In fact, it is an enemy. However, God’s loved ones are very precious to him. The word ‘precious’ means valuable and of great worth.

Oma was truly a ‘saint’ – a person who loved God and lived a good life, always looking out for others. Today is a joyful day for her as she is free from all suffering and pain. We, however, feel the loss as we grieve the passing of a loved one. We thank God for his comfort (Matthew 5:4. 2 Corinthians 1:1-7) and we thank our church family and friends for their support and prayers during this difficult time.

Our hope is in the resurrection and the future when we will see Oma again (John 11:25-26. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. 1 Corinthians 15:51-58. Revelation 21:1-4. Romans 8:35-39). May we continue to live our lives in the light of eternity.

Oma, we love you and we will miss you very much. Thanks for touching our lives so deeply.

Renate Meyer

Born – August 12th, 1938

With the Lord – December 17th, 2007

  • Beloved wife of Len
  • Adored mother of Nicole
  • Amazing Oma to Josiah, Ashley, and Natasha
  • The mother-in-law from heaven to Mark
  • Deeply missed by her family and friends
  • In the arms of her Saviour whom she loved and was totally devoted to.
  • Until we meet again …

2 thoughts on “An Amazing Oma

  1. Dear Mark, Nicole and family,
    We will continue to think of you in our prayers at this time.
    Renate has left an amazing legacy behind in all of you. Her compassion for people, animals and God’s creation is so obvious in your lives as well and most importantly her love for God.
    May God continue to comfort you, and strengthen you in the days to come.

  2. Mark & Nicole.
    Love and prayers from someone who cares.
    May you be comforted with God’s love and assurance at this sad time. Love never dies and precious memories live on… Renate will be sadly missed by many but not forgotten. The Lord bless you and keep you all standing strong in His love.

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