Billy Last week, on November 7th, Billy Graham turned 90 years of age. He is one of the most well-known Christians in the world today and through his evangelistic ministry he has preached to over 215 million people. Through many decades of ministry he has remained humble and he has lived with utmost integrity, a shining example to all.

Click here to read a recent article in the USA Today newspaper about Billy Graham.

Click here if you would like to post a belated personal birthday greeting to Billy. Tens of thousands of people have already done so.

His autobiography Just As I Am is one of the most inspiring stories I have read. It is a long read but well worth it. His life reveals so many excellent principles for us to emulate as we seek to live lives worth following.

Happy birthday Billy and thanks for serving God so faithfully!

6 thoughts on “Billy Graham turns 90

  1. Yes Mish, I agree with you. The thought crossed my mind 🙂 There sure is a remarkable resemblence between Kevin and Billy! Both are very respected giants in the Lord, worldwide, and true heroes of faith.

  2. Marija
    You need to tone it down a little – I have been reading several of your comments and you seem obsessed with elevating these leaders onto a pedestool to the point of idolising them. Citylife being the closest thing to heaven on earth????? etc etc…. I think it is time you looked at the creator, namely Jesus, instead of worshipping the created. Yes I agree that these leaders are awesome, anointed individuals, however you seem intent on constantly elevating them to superstar status when really all of us as believers are all working hard at being who God made us to be…….

  3. Hi Simon,
    Agree with you. Fixing our eyes on Jesus as the Author and Finisher of our faith is foremost before honoring others. Yes, Jesus deserves all our worship, but you’re judging me and being presumptious that I don’t. Sorry that you feel that way.
    Honoring great men and women of faith is not the same as worshiping them, nor does it diminish the fact that Jesus is above all and worthy of all our worship. I see nothing wrong in honoring Godly servants of faith, nor commending a good Spirit filled, Bible believing, Christ-centred Church, such as City Life. Today honor is missing in our society. Give Honor to Where Honor is Due!
    Even the Word of God, in the Bible, encourages us to do honor others above our self.
    Romans 12:10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
    1 Timothy 5:17 “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.” (NIV)
    … and the King James Version says: “17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.”
    1 Peter 2:17 “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.”(KJV)
    ….and NIV says, 17 “Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.”
    1 Timothy 6:1 “Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.” (KJV)
    Let us look for ways to honour our ministers who serve God and His people, to encourage them, to let them know we appreciate all they do on our behalf. Everyone needs to be encouraged and built up, instead of being torn down and criticized. Don’t we? 🙂
    Can you remember words spoken into your life by an honourable man or woman of God that you can still hear today? Honour them & thank God for them.
    Judges 9:9 “But the olive tree answered, ‘Should I give up my oil, by which both gods and men are honored, to hold sway over the trees?’
    Have a nice day. Shalom my friend, in Jashua HaMashiach 🙂

  4. Hi Mark, I have also read Billy Graham’s biography. I found it very inspiring too and have gone back to it many times to refer to parts. He has been a great man for God for a very long time. Mainly due to some of the integrity checks he put in place early on that the book talks about.
    God Bless,

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