4. Keep the Passion Alive

Priorities can be easily replaced by other seemingly urgent or pressing matters. As we become busy with so many things in church life we can begin to drift from our mission. That’s why the work of an evangelist also involves keeping the evangelistic passion of a church community alive and bright hot.

There are a number of ways to do this:

·         Have new Christians share their testimony with the church. There is nothing more impacting than congregations hearing stories of changed lives.

·         Preach and teach about evangelism every year. Good Bible teaching has a way of heating up important values.

·         Keep a record of important “vital signs” such as people coming to faith and water baptisms. When these numbers stop growing or begin to plateau it’s probably time to stir the fires of evangelism again.

·         Attend other highly evangelistic churches or conferences.

The Holy Spirit desires us to live with a sense of urgency about the reality of heaven and hell. This awareness should drive us to take spiritual risks, to create opportunities and to initiate conversations about spiritual things. As we are faithful to keep sowing without becoming discouraged we will see a great harvest for the kingdom of God (Gal.6:9-10).


Recent statistics tell us that the average Australian (70%) believes in God yet very few go to church on a regular basis. This tells us that most Australians aren’t necessarily disinterested in spiritual things but that they either mistrust the church or see it as irrelevant for their lives. What a wonderful opportunity this is for us today. As we rise up together and build prevailing churches where every believer is motivated and equipped to share their faith, we will see thousands of Australians right across our great nation come to a personal faith in Jesus Christ. If God can use a non-evangelist like me to create a church community where there is an emerging confidence in sharing our faith and a growing trust in our ability to work as a team to reach unchurched Australians with God’s love, then I believe he can do the same for you whoever you are!

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