Happy father’s day to all the dads out there. Becoming a father is one of the true joys in life. Let’s take time to thank, honour and appreciate all the dads in our life today.

This picture is of 3 of my fathers. In the middle is my dear dad, Kevin Conner. He never knew his father but did his best to be the father he never had to Sharon and me. I miss him. To the right is Richard Holland, a spiritual father to me who always believed in and encouraged me as long as I can remember. To the left is Len Meyer, my father-in-law. He doesn’t like attention. But he is one of the kindest, smartest, humblest, and most generous people you will ever meet. Love you, Opa!

7 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day!

  1. So fabulous Mark. We do honour, not just our earthly father, but our Spiritual fathers and most of all our Heavenly Father. His blessings have been so abundant and we are grateful.

    1. Happy Fathers Day Mark – We Have So Much to Be Thankful For – Especially the Fathers in Our Lives – And Demonstrating Ourselves As Father through the Chapters of Life. My Prayer is we shine the Love of Our Heavenly Father !

  2. Hope you have a blessed Father’s day, Mark. Thanks for sharing. I am blessed to have a loving Heavenly Father, my earthly humble father has also been my Spiritual father for so many years. Blessings, Miriam Choi

  3. A bit late now but I sent this message out on Father’s Day:

    H A P P Y
    F A T H E R S
    D A Y
    To the Best Father of All,
    You Father God created us,
    Gave your All for us
    And only want us to know
    The depth of YOUR love
    for Us.
    Thanks Dad.

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