Road_winding_6Another simple tool to help you as you continue to think through your Mission is a SWOT analysis.

SWOT stands for:

  1. Strengths – what are you good at? When do you feel strong?
  2. Weaknesses – what do you find difficult? What drains you of energy?
  3. Opportunities – what are the greatest opportunities facing you right now?
  4. Threats – what are the greatest threats facing you right now?

Jesus used this approach when he sent letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor (see Revelation 2-3). He commended them for some things (strengths), adjusted some things (weaknesses), gave them any necessary warnings (threats), and then finished with some promises of reward for overcoming (opportunities).

Take a piece of paper and draw four quadrants; then write each of these four words at the top of each quadrant. Make a quick list of what comes to your mind under each category. At this stage don’t evaluate the comments, just list as many as possible.

Then take some time to reflect on how this could influence or relate to your Mission in life.

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