Jordan Basketball is my favourite sport. I started playing it when our family lived in America during my teenage years and I still play today (though I'm a lot slower now!). As a kid I used to love to watch Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls on TV. They won 6 NBA championships in the 1990s.

Click here and here to watch some highlights from Michael's career. Recently, Michael was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame, along with other players such as the 7' 1" David Robinson, an athlete with a strong Christian faith (watch his speech here). You can watch Michael's speech here (it's 23 minutes long). Notice that anything we achieve in life is always with the help and support of our family, our mentors, our friends, our team, and even our failures … and God.

Will anyone ever be a better basketball player than Michael? Some say current players such as Kobe Bryant or Lebron James have the potential. Only time will tell …



2 thoughts on “Michael Jordan – the Greatest Baskeball Player of all Time?

  1. Dear Pastor Conner
    I’ve always been a fan of David Robinson and it brought tears to my eyes when I saw his acceptance speech. What a wonderful man God has brought into the NBA as a testament of His strength, joy and love. As a father of two young children, I love particularly the way he acknowledge his three sons in public. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an acceptance speech like this.
    As for my two cents worth, Kobe Bryant and Lebron James are players with amazing abilities, skill and talent. But Jordan will always be a step ahead.

  2. Thank you Mark for highlighting Michael Jordan 🙂 Love watching him in action and love David Robinson’s heart for God. Having my four children play basketball and one was a referee in the past, they spent many hours playing on the courts. I really enjoy watching the game. I agree with Cheng. There is none like Michael, even though Kobe and Lebron are exceptionally talented players.

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