Images-17 I recently changed my mobile phone from a Nokia E71 to an iPhone 3GS. I really liked the Nokia, especially the keyboard, which was so easy to use. The iPhone is pretty cool but I am taking a while to get used to the touch screen … and the automatic word correction. I can't tell you how many times I have finished a text message with 'Nark' instead of 'Mark!'

Anyway, change takes time. The iPhone application store has over 200,000 programs and sometimes its hard to know what is any good (all accessed via iTunes). I purchased a book recently that rates and reviews almost 1,000 Apps and found it very helpful.

Here are some of my favourite apps.

1. BibleReader. This free program from Olive Tree is excellent, although you will have to pay for various translations and books.    

2. Daily Deeds. Want to change your habits? Create a simple check list of the things you want to do each day and simply tick them off when you are done. You can compare your progress over time.  

3. iThoughts. This is a clever little mind-mapping tool for outlining ideas or relationships between thoughts/topics. 

4. Pocket Weather. Nothing like knowing what the weather is going to be like to you can choose what to wear or plan when to do that outdoor job. Of course, with Melbourne, things are sure to change.   

5. Brain Toot Lite. A creative way to keep your brain active. 

6. MyNetDiary. Want to lose some weight? Here is a terrific program for setting some goals and keeping track daily. It's like having your own personal trainer right with you.  

7. AroundMe. Want to find anything nearby? This program locates where you are and gives you all the details of everything from petrol stations to ATMs. Very handy. 

8. VicTraffic. Want to know how the freeway traffic is today? This free app from VicRoads might just save you some time travelling to where you need to be. 

9. ShopSavvy. Hold your phone up to the bar code on any item and wait until it reads it. In an instant you can compare prices of the item in other stores and online, and even access reviews to read other people's feedback before you purchase. A very smart shopping tool.

10. Paper Toss. A mindless but addictive game … just for killing a bit of time … but not for too long.

If you have a different phone, you might find something similar for your operating system.  

3 thoughts on “My Favourite iPhone Apps

  1. Thanks for the thoughts, l’m about to make a change from a E71 to a iPhone myself. I think I’ll miss the keyboard as well.
    Always enjoy your blog.

  2. I have an iPhone too and absolutely love it. You will get the hang of it quickly. If you really want to stretch the grey matter, try some of the language apps. Another fun one is ‘Compass’ for those of us who can’t find North, oo oo and Hangman! Once you leave the world of keyboards you’ll never go back!

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