Hi friends. Welcome to this week’s edition of Soul Food.
Last week we chatted about endings. Today, lets talk about beginnings.
When you’re beginning something new, there’s often a sense of excitement and enthusiasm. But at the same time, everything can feel a little awkward. We’re in unfamiliar territory. We feel somewhat tentative, uncertain, and even nervous.
I had all of those feelings when I began a new season in my life just 4 years ago. I had finished up 32 years of employment in one place and now I was beginning again … for the first time in a long time. It was both scary and exhilarating. It felt like a step, or a jump, into the great unknown!
What’s beginning for you right now? What’s new?
Obviously, a new year has begun, but what else? Is it a new job, a new relationship, a new home, a new project, or a new book you’re reading? Or is it a new perspective, a new environment, or maybe a new habit or routine you are hoping to establish?
Another question – what needs to begin for you? Is it time to start something new or BE someone new? There are times in life where we need a reset, a re-orientation, or a reboot. It’s time to begin … all over again. You can do this … have courage to take that step … then keep walking.
Here are a few tips for embracing beginnings well:
- Be patient with yourself. When things are new, there will be uncertainty. Give yourself time to adjust to everything that is feeling unfamiliar to you right now. You are moving out of your comfort zone – that’s uncomfortable!
- Embrace a childlike curiosity. Children have this beautiful sense of wonder as they approach each moment of their day. Everything is new and fresh and they are seeing and experiencing things for the first time. Choose wonder.
- Be open to new experiences. Beginnings provide opportunity for seeing things differently, for change, and for growth. Even if you have a lot of knowledge and experience, lay aside your prejudices and judgments. Have an open mind for insights you haven’t seen before.
Remember books that used to begin with, “Once upon a time …” and so the story starts … OR “In the beginning …” and a new world comes into being.
All the best with everything that is beginning for you right now!
Let’s recap our main points:
- Life is filled with many new beginnings.
- Beginnings can be both exhilarating and scary.
- Be patient with yourself when you are beginning something new.
- Embrace a sense of childlike curiosity and wonder.
That’s all for today. See you next week when we talk about those scary/exciting in-between times.
You can watch the video of this episode on the Soul Food YouTube Channel.
Thanks for such simple but value sharing and encourage Mark. Much appreciate for the Soul Food, especially in the mid of pandemic. God bless.