Don’t forget the Elderly!

Images-8 People frequently say, "Its a young person's world" and it many ways it is. Youth culture dominates our world and especially the entertainment industry. Yet, the largest and fastest growing demographic in many parts of our world is the elderly. With life expectancy continuing to grow, we will continue to see more and more seniors as part of our communities.

For the church, I believe that God's desire is for 'young and old' to partner together in relationships and kingdom purposes (see Acts 2:17). Too often churches merely mimic the culture by constantly segregating people into different age groups – kids, youth, young adults, married and seniors. Although there are some benefits in congregating with people who are at a similar stage of life, in doing so we can miss the benefits of inter-generational relationships. There are great benefits when adults minister to children and youth. If we can merge the enthusiasm of the young with the wisdom of the aged, what a powerful force the church can be.  

Seniors provide a ready-made demographic of people for us to reach out to. I pray that the church around the world will give more prayer and thought to what we can do to share God's good news with elderly people – many who are lonely and isolated. 

Yes, let's be relevant to and reaching out to the next generation … but let's not forget the elderly!

P.S. Click here for a good article by Tony Campolo on church staffing and the elderly. 

Jesus said “Come …”

As we read through the story of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew we see that: Jesus shares his Messianic message about the kingdom of God (Mt.5-7), he engages in a ministry of miracles and signs (Mt.8-9), and he commissions his disciples to participate in his mission (Mt.10). The crowds still follow but a tinge of dissatisfaction emerges as questions are being raised about Jesus’ identity and mission (Mt.11). Soon outright opposition and hostility will emerge, especially from the religious leaders (Mt.12). Jesus shows how privileged a generation these people are and with it comes great responsibility. They have witnessed the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah and also experienced the ministry of John the Baptist, the first prophet to speak for God in 100s of years. They have heard the messages from God but how will they respond? Unfortunately, many ignored what God was doing and Jesus pronounced words of judgment for their lack of repentance (11:20-24). He then turns to the crowds and says: 

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” [Mt.11:28-30. NLT]

This passage shows us an incredible invitation. As with any invitation, we need to consider three things: (1) who is making the invitation, (2) to whom is the invitation being made, and (3) what is being offered? Let’s look at these one by one. 

1. Who is making the invitation?

Jesus is the one making the invitation. He claims to be the revelation of who God really is. He claims that he and the Father are one and that only by coming to Him can a person see and know God. Jesus has an exclusive and unique relationship with the Father. No one knew the Father like Jesus did. Part of His mission on earth was to reveal the Father to humanity (see Mt.11:27). Jesus describes himself as “gentle and humble in heart (11:29),” a very different picture of God than the religious leaders had portrayed.

Continue reading “Jesus said “Come …””

UK Government to Block Internet Porn

Images-7 The UK government intends to block all internet porn in an aim to combat the early sexualisation of children. Parents would have to request to access pornography. What an excellent move this is! As you know, if you have ever stayed in a hotel, porn is on tap and you have to request to turn it off. Why not have it the other way around and require people to 'opt in' and have to make a request for it. That is is what the UK government is doing. They are turning off the tap at its source. Adults will have to 'opt in' if they choose to do so. 

Internet pornography is a huge temptation for everyone. It is a multi-billion dollar industry and it is drowning many people in a cesspool of sexual lust.

Christian psychologist, Arch Hart in his book The Sexual Man outlines the dangers or pornography for men (although the same dangers exist for women):

1. Pornography can cause men to prefer a fantasy woman over a real woman. They move from the challenge of a real relationship to an image. Fantasy is less challenging. However, fantasy is not reality.

2. Pornography can be substitute sexual excitement for intimacy. Men can too easily separate sex from love, something that women are far less prone to do.

3. Pornography produces a chemical high and can become addictive. The more you use it the more you need it and the further you drift from reality. More and heavier pornography is required for excitement. Pornography is like junk sex.

4. Woman are de-humanised and become an object to look at rather than person to relate to. It is easy for men to see women as a face and a figure. Pornography intensifies this issue.

5. Many young men have their sexual beliefs and attitudes shaped by pornography and exposure often begins quite young. The fact is that pornography often sets young people up for disappointment in the real world. The vast majority of real women cannot possibly measure up to the air-brushed, colour-enhanced, glossy photographs that can become that standard of reference for some males. Pornography distorts a man’s views of how women feel about sex and what can be reasonably expected from sex.

6. Pornography damages marriages. Research on viewing pornography reveals that both men and women rated their spouses less attractive and felt less in love with them. Repeated exposure to pornography results in a decreased satisfaction with one’s sexual partner, with the partner’s sexuality, with the partner’s sexual curiosity, a decrease in the valuation of faithfulness, and a major decrease in the importance of sex with attachment.

No doubt, removing the ease in which pornography can be accessed is a small step in the right direction. 

Wouldn't it be great if the Australian government did something similar. 

Fostering Creativity

Images-5 Here are a few thoughts on some ways we can foster greater creativity:

1. Make time for thinking creatively

Set aside regular time for “brainstorming” – by yourself and, better still, with other people and especially with any teams you are a part of. Think creatively. Research should be everybody’s preoccupation and innovation is everybody’s game

"The organizations of the future will increasingly depend on the creativity of their members to survive. Great Groups offer a new model in which the leader is an equal among Titans. In a truly creative collaboration, work is pleasure, and the only rules and procedures are those that advance the common cause." [Warren Bennis]

2. Ask good questions

Regularly ask yourself, “What’s working well and why?” and “What’s not working and why?”

3. Generate lots of new ideas

"To have a great idea, have a lot of them." [Thomas Edison]

"Genius is one percent inspiration, and ninety-nine percent perspiration." [Thomas Edison]

4. Listen and learn

Be a strategic listener. Expose yourself to different viewpoints and learning and ideas. Look for future trends, people’s needs and new ideas – everywhere!

Continue reading “Fostering Creativity”

Creativity Killers

Images-6 Here are a few examples of "creativity killers" – people who were NOT willing to think outside the box:

  • "Everything that can be invented has been invented." [Charles H. Duell, Director of the American Patent Office in 1899]
  • "Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote." [Grover Cleveland, 1905]
  • "Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" [Harry M. Warner, Warner Bros Pictures, 1927]
  • "There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom." [Robert Miliham, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1923]
  • "Heavier than air flying machines are impossible." [Lord Kelvin, President, Royal Society, 1895]
  • "The horse is here today, but the automobile is only a novelty – a fad." [President of Michigan Savings Bank advising against investing in the Ford Motor Company]
  • "Video won't be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night." [Daryl F. Zanuck, 20th Century Fox, commenting on television in 1946]
  • "What use could the company make of an electric toy?" [Western Union, when it turned down rights to the telephone in 1878]

What "box" do you need to break out of? With God, all things are possible!

Tomorrow: some ideas on fostering creativity.

P.S. For some more insightful quotes on creativity and innovation, click here.

The Importance of Innovation

Images-4 Innovation is very important for any individual, group or organization – including the church!

A few quotes:

1. “In a period of rapid change, the only ones who survive are those who innovate and create change.” [Peter Drucker – Father of Modern Management in Management, p.357]

Change is the only certain in today’s fast paced environment. Accept that it will always be with us. Change is never over (its constant!). See change as an opportunity not a threat. Talk about it in a positive way and help people to not be afraid of it.

Peter Drucker says that both management and entrepreneurship are essential in any organisation. Both are always needed at the same time and both have to be co-ordinated and work together. Not to innovate is the single largest reason for the decline of existing organisations. Not to know how to manage is the single largest reason for the failure of new ventures. We must not just manage the existing but innovate the new and the different.

It is so easy to become busy managing what currently exists (working IN the organisation), that we fail to take time to improve what we’re doing let alone consider doing things differently or doing new things (working ON the organisation). As leaders, we must work on tomorrow not just keep up with today. This is what innovation is all about.

2. "There is no doubt that creativity is the most important resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns." [Edward de Bono – creativity expert]

He also says, "Creative thinking is not a talent, it is a skill that can be learnt. It empowers people by adding strength to their natural abilities which improves teamwork, productivity and where appropriate profits.”

3. “Leaders traffic in idea creation. The best leaders I know are ferociously disciplined about seeking them out and incredibly committed to stewarding them well.” [Bill Hybels – church leader and author of Axiom, p.43]

4. "Intelligent people are always open to new ideas; in fact, they look for them." [Proverbs 18:15. NLT]

We serve a creative God who, though he never changes in his character, has designed a world full of variety and freshness (Gen.1:1). We are created in his image (Gen.1:26). It is important that we seek to make our life and ministry fresh and alive.

How can you increase your own ability to innovate?

Tomorrow: some creativity killers.

A Theology of Creativity

Images-3 Let's talk about creativity …

1. God is a Creative God

God invented creativity. He thought it up. It was his idea. Creativity is part of who God is. The fifth word in the Bible is ‘created’ – “In the beginning God created … (Gen.1:1)” God started the creative ball rolling and it has been rolling ever since.

Think of creation – God created the entire universe out of nothing. He formed all original things (like an inventor or manufacturer). What an incredible designer he is! There is nothing bland, boring or predictable about God’s world. Think of things such as:

  • Colour – we have three primary colours with up to 10 million different hues that a human eye can see.
  • Texture – rough, smooth and everything in between.
  • Shape and form – so many varieties.
  • Movement – wind, water, animals (bird, cheetah, elephant, snake)
  • Sound – a thunderstorm, the crashing of the waves of the ocean or the sound of a bird
  • Seasons – winter, spring, summer, autumn.
  • Human personality – unique finger prints for 6 billion people, no boring predictable clones!

Sadly, living in the city (surrounded by man-made objects) can easily distract us from the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. Looking at creation should drive us to worship God.

Think about redemption. God has made salvation available to us apart from our ability to earn it. He has sent Jesus to pay the price for our sin and now offers us salvation (being right with him) as a free gift for which we can do nothing to earn. What an amazing and creative plan!

Let’s look at one of my favourite Bible passages…

Eph 2:8-10. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no-one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. NIV

This passage of Scripture shows us the creativity of God (in creation and redemption) and how he has called us to be like him in the works that we do. We are God’s “workmanship” (his masterpiece) – literally a work of art (Greek poiema).

Continue reading “A Theology of Creativity”

Reformation Needed

Unknown-1 At last year's Third Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, one of the speakers was Christopher Wright. In a stirring address, Wright compared in detail the sate of the church today and the church in the generations before Luther.

"What is the greatest obstacle to God's mission in the world?' Wright asked. "It is not other religions or a resistant culture. Our idolatry is the single biggest obstacle to world mission. We are a scandal, a stumbling block to the mission of God. Reformation is the desperate need of our day, and it must start with us. If we want to change the world, we must first change our world." He called for a new reformation beginning within evangelicalism.

Stirring words!

[Source: Christianity Today magazine, December 2010 – p.38]

My Church

I pretty much grew up in church. When I was a kid our family went to church three times every Sunday – Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon and Sunday night. When I was nine years of age (back in 1970), my family travelled to America where my dad was one of the speakers for multiple church conventions and camps up and down the West Coast. I attended over 800 meeting in eighteen months! Overall, for me, church involvement was a pretty positive experience. I made a lot of friends, came to know God for myself, discovered some of my own gifts and abilities, and grew as a person.

What about you? Maybe you had a similar experience as me or maybe you have only recently got connected to 'church.' Or maybe you have had some hurts or disappointments along the way. In may ways, churches are like families – they all have a degree of dysfunction.

Whatever your experience, God created the church for our benefit – not just for his. I shared with our young people a few weeks back, four benefits that church can bring to your life:

1. Friends.

Jesus called people to be 'with him' – to hang out together. Church is not something you go to (an event or a building) but rather something you a part of (like a family). Every human being asks the question: "Where do I belong?" We were created for community and we move in tribes or herds. Church can be a terrific place to make great friends. I met my wife, Nicole, through church and have made lots of other really good friends for which I am truly thankful. 

Friends have a big influence on us (Prov.13:20. 1 Cor.15:33). Be friends with everyone but run with those who are headed in the direction you want to go. 

2. Faith.

Other questions we have are: "Who am I?" and "What do I believe in?" Church is a great environment to discover God for yourself. This is often a journey that takes time. We all have questions and doubts, just like Thomas, but God does not condemn us for them. He reaches out to us to give us reasons to believe (Jn.3:16). 

3. Foresight.

We all want to know how life works. Church is a great place to learn wisdom for life so that we make smart choices. Our decisions determine our destiny and our choices have consequences. What we sow we will ultimately reap. We can gain "foresight" which is "the ability to think ahead" rather than just live for the moment (Prov.14:12). God's Word is is guidebook for our life. God's ways are not always easy but they are for our good (Matt.7:13-14). The enemy seeks to make sin look attractive, so we need wisdom to see his trap and choose wisely.    

4. Function.

We all want to know the answer to the question: "What am I here for?" We desire purpose and meaningful contribution. "Function" refers to "the activity or purpose natural to or intended for a purpose or thing." There are a lot of things you could do with your life but you will be most effective and most fulfilled when you live for the purpose for which God created you. Church is a great environment to discover, develop and deploy your gifts for the benefit of others (1Pet.4:10). God created you for a purpose (Eph.2:8-10). Don't compare yourself with others. Be the best you can be. 

Life is short and eternity is really long. Enjoy life but remember your Creator and your God (Ecc.11:9-12:1). Church was created by God as a family that you can be a vital part of. We tend to get out of life what we put into it. As we commit to our own church family, making it the best it can be, we also received many benefits from it – including friends, faith, foresight and function.

Enjoy YOUR church this year!

A Season of Prayer

Images-2 Many individuals, groups and churches begin the year with a season of prayer. I think it is a great idea. Our church begins a 14 day period of prayer beginning today. We are encouraging everyone to take some additional time aside to pray – personally, with their family or in their small group. 

We are also having 30 minutes of prayer before each weekend church gathering during the month of February and we are opening a room at the church each midweek day for people to drop by and have some prayer. 

Why not engage in something similar yourself, if you aren't already doing so. 

Attached is an outline of a simple prayer guide we have put together. 

Here are a few Scriptures to encourage you in your prayer:

The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results. Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for the next three and a half years! Then he prayed for rain, and down it poured. The grass turned green, and the crops began to grow again. [James 5:16-18] 

Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened.  For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks. [Matt 7:7-8]

Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me and you will find rest for your souls. [Matt.11:28-30]

Even the young men will become weary and faint. But those who wait on the Lord will renew (exchange) their strength. They will mount up on wings like eagles. They will run and not be weary. They will walk and not faint. [Isaiah 40:30-31]

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct (make straight) your paths. [Prov.3:5-6]

The Power of Gratitude

Images-1 This weekend we took time as a church community to thank God for His blessing and favour, especially over the last 8 years in which we have been working towards our Vision 2010 statement. We want to be like the Samaritan leper who took time to return to Jesus and express his gratitude for the healing he received (Luke 17:11-18), not like the nine, who were obviously pleased to be healed, but who took no time to thank Jesus. 

Here are a few random thoughts and quotes on the power of gratitude:

  • There is an old story about two angels who were sent to earth to gather up the prayers of people. One was to fill his basket with the prayer requests that people offered up. The other was to collect the prayers of thanksgiving. Sometime later they went back to heaven to the Father. One had a basket heaped high and running over – with the innumerable prayers requests they had heard. The other returned with a sad and heavy heart for his basket  was almost empty. The prayers of thanks were quite rare, even thought the angel searched diligently.No doubt we are better at the asking than at the thanking!

  • “One of the deepest human needs is the need to be appreciated.” [William James, American psychologist]

  • “I can live for two months on a good compliment!” [Mark Twain]

  • “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child!” [King Lear - Shakespeare]

  • The Library of Congress was once sent a book to copyright by a Texan businessman called A Million Thanks. It contained the word “thanks” repeated a million times and he intended on giving it to his customers and friends. “No thanks” replied the Library, declining to register it because a single word is NOT copyrightable!

  • "Insufficient appreciation and savoring of the good events in your past and over-emphasis of the bad ones are the two culprits that undermine serenity, contentment, and satisfaction.” [Martin Seligman, psychologist and author of Authentic Happiness]

  • “If you want to find gratitude, look for it in the dictionary!” [Unknown]

  • Scottish pastor Dr Alexander Whyte was famous for his pulpit prayers, always finding something to thank God for, even in bad times. One stormy morning, church members thought that he would have nothing to thank God for on such a wretched morning. But Whyte began his prayer, “We thank The Oh God, that it is not always like this!”

  • Matthew Henry, a famous Bible scholar was attached on the street by thieves and his wallet was taken. He wrote these words in his diary: “Let me be thankful first, because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took my wallet that did not take my life; third, because although they took my wallet, there was not much in there, and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.”

  • “Some people complain because God put thorns on roses, while other praise Him for putting roses among thorns.” [Unknown] 

The Year 2011

Unknown This year will be an interesting one … in many ways.

We have four unusual dates:

1. 1/1/11

2. 1/11/11

3. 11/1/11

4. 11/11/11

Then for something really different …

1. Take the last two digits of the year you were born … 

2. Add that number to the age you will be this year …

3. Together they add up to 111!

So there you go … I was born in 61 and turn 50 this year = 111