When I began my blog just under two years ago (August 17th, 2007), I had a number of experienced bloggers advise me to not allow any comments. They had chosen to close off their blogs from any comments or to only allow approved comments to be published. Why? Because in each case, their blog had been somewhat hijacked by a few individuals who tended to dominate the conversations and/or who bullied other people.
I heard their advice but decided to go with open comments on my blog. So far, it's gone pretty well with just under 2,864 comments on the 514 posts I have made. To this point I have only had to delete a few comments due to their profanity. Overall, the dialogue and interaction has been helpful and informative. None of us have the full perspective on any topic and I believe that we learn best by interacting respectfully and in a spirit of humility with those who have different points of view.
Unfortunately, with the recent blog post on the topic of 'Homosexuality', the commenting section degenerated to a point where it became un-constructive. This really disappointed me.
As a result I have created some new guidelines for commenting on this blog. Here they are:
All visitors are welcome to post their own personal comments on the majority of my blog posts. However, there are a few basic guidelines (these are also now displayed on the upper left hand side of the blog):
1. I reserve the right refuse comments that are inappropriate, that use offensive language, or that are a personal attack on myself or other people.
2. Comments should be brief (preferably under 100 words), polite, constructive, and relative to the topic.
3. You must state your real full name to have your comments posted.
4. I will continue to read all comments posted but, as previously, will not be able to respond to each one of them.
If you are happy to abide by these simple guidelines, then I welcome your comments.
Mark Conner
P.S. You can now Search this entire blog for any content. Simply type a word or topic in the upper right hand corner search box and hit Enter or click Search. I also hope you like the new graphics design. Enjoy!