Here are 7 tips for getting the most out of this blog:

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18 thoughts on “How to Get the Most out of this Blog

  1. I really enjoy the church, full of enthusiasm and love. On Saturday, at 4.00 (21/1109) I attended and was fortunate enough to hear Nicole Connor speaking on parenting teenagers, what a fantastic speaker and such a lovely lady.

  2. Hi Mark,
    I appreciate your sermon on healing. I thought I should share some compelling (evidence based) information that would benefit those wanting to prevent against heart attacks/strokes, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, etc and even reverse such diseases!
    (1) Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr’s conference presentation on bullet-proofing against heart attacks
    (2) Dr. Dean Ornish’s presentation about the need for plant-based low fat diet
    (3) Dr. T.Colin Campbell’s presentation about the need for plant-based diet
    God bless,

  3. Hi, Pastor Mark! Actually, I am writing this from the US as a plea to you & your father, Kevin. With much difficulty, I was able to purchase a copy of “The Book of Revelation (An Exposition),” from an AU vendor. I am deeply impressed by his thoroughness. The problem: it is not available in N. America! I am one of the few blessed people to own a copy. The Church needs to hear this word in this late hour. Please explore ways that it can be shared with the brethren more easily.
    Best wishes to you in Christ Jesus,

  4. sorry forgot to read guidelines. Too long my comment. Basically, why compared a PM with a mechanic. A PM has greater influence to our nation. I am sure you can learn somthing from Lev. 19 which I quoted. Christians should be discouraged to vote for Labour who dumped their leader, & chose a ungodly person to replace him. Will this comment be compromised> If it does n ot appear, I can conclude what gospel is being preached.

  5. Your comment was deleted, Tan, because it violated the rules of this blog. You attacked me and my family personally in your comments and you were rude, rather than speaking objectively about the issue at hand. There is place for open dialog on this but not comments of that nature, which are disappointing considering you consider yourself a follower of Christ.

  6. Hey Mark, just found your blog, love it, especially your sensible ideas about what a Christian’s approach should be to the coming election. If Paul the apostle could advocate that believers show proper respect to the ruler of his day, a pagan dictator like Nero, and still work for real biblical change in the culture, then I think Aussie believers can too in a liberal democracy like Australia whoever that leader might be. Keep up the great blogs, Angelo Cettolin

  7. Every believer (follower) of Christ has weakness, so am I. iF i seem to have attacked you personally, I apologise. Christians should not be afraid to say “Sorry!”. Don’t ahve to be a pastor to realise this. I agree with some of the comments made by individuals claiming your bias towards Labour, which may influence voters (especially young females, including christians) to vote for Labour. I am not afraid to admit my own bias, i.e., I believe a fornicator should not be our PM from a CHristina point of view. Imagine the influence this will give to our young people, unless you will start preaCHING on MORALITY. Yes, we want “first time” experience – excitment, etc – first time having a Black man to be President of the USA, another first time having a female PM. Her policies are not any better than Liberal’s. OUr history indicated that Labour always overspent the surplus left behind by Liberal. Labour is a party lack of integrity -dumped their own leader who led them to success in 2007 election. The 4 of them (surely you know who I mean) were with Kevin 007 & came up with bad policies. Those with conscience had decided to retire. It is a shame some of your female members have no courage to communicate with you in this blog. They have however verbally complained to one another that they disagreed with the Mechanic-Pm’ analogy. It is not the lack of comprehension of your comment. Our belief in God and consc ience matter.

  8. Thanks for your apology, Tan. I appreciate it.
    The mechanic analogy is just that – an analogy. If you, and your female friends, would read my post carefully, you’ll find that I went on to say that being Prime Minister is a much more complex role and with more far-reaching consequences. However, the principles are similar – you don’t just look for faith (or lack of it), you also consider character and competency.
    To elect someone ONLY because they are a Christian (or not) is a flawed approach. If you don’t believe me, just ask the Americans who voted for George Bush, the most overtly ‘Christian’ president ever, yet one who will go down as one of the worst presidents in their history because of his poor leadership of their
    So as I have said all along in this blog, Christians should pray, check out the character and competency of a potential candidate, as well as the values and policies of their party …. then vote in an informed manner.
    Thanks Tan

  9. Hi Pastor Mark,
    I wonder why I could not see my post which I wrote at least 1-2 weeks ago.
    I just want to know whether I can have distant learning about the Pantecostal bible study.
    This is very important, as I know that only your father and my pastor (Rev. A.H.Mandey) have the “original doctrine” of Pentecostal.. 🙂
    Thanks Pastor.
    Jesus bless

  10. Hi Melinda. You made your initial comment under ‘New Blog Commenting Rules’ so I answered you there 🙂

  11. Ps.Mark
    Today’s message I felt as if its for me, I got saved in your Church on 20th March 2010 – that was a Saturday – you took the Healing service – I gave myself to walk with Lord on that day as I had a back problem for over 3 years. but the words came out of me was at that time and the message today – it really took me aghast as if its what Lord wanted me to hear from you too-
    Pastor these are the words it came out of me –
    not premediated or memorised – ‘LORD I COMMIT MYSELF TO SERVE YOU UNTIL MY DEATH AND NOT ONLY I AM COMMITING MYSELF – I AM COMMITING MY TWO CHILDREN TO SERVE YOU UNTIL OUR DEATH- these are words came out of me I was completely healed and I am walking with OUR WONDORUS GRACIOUS FATHER ever since -FYI I was from an orthodox Hindu family. ALL GLORY TO HIM I know now I am complete in HIM. Excellent message Pastor. GOD BLESS.

  12. Hi Vasu. So good to hear from you and to know your story. God is so good! Come and say hello to me some time on the weekend 🙂

  13. Ps.Mark
    I did speak to you after the Presentaton in December 2010. I just had a quick chat-just to let you know the day you took service I got healed nothing much in detail. We both were in a hurry – I will try my best to see you one of these days Pastor. Thank you. God Bless

  14. hi. i’m a first timer at this site. i noticed your dad’s name and wanted to contact him and this is the only way i know to. “Kevin,Just a thankyou for the teaching i received from you at PBC in 1973. You had so many teachings on most everything in the bible, it made me look up everything to see if it was so. I became a real Berean and still am.-one of your students, Wayne.

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