Someone once said that trust in the glue of all relationships. Trust holds things together. In contrast, when there is no trust, the relationship starts to break down.

Trust creates confidence and removes suspicion and fear. When trust is high in a relationship, you could say the wrong thing and it will be okay. People give you the benefit of the doubt. Where trust is low, you could say the right thing and even then, people take you wrong or misinterpret you.

How do we build trust?

  • Trust starts with being trustworthy.
  • Be transparent – open, real and genuine.  Don’t be fake or two-faced. Don’t wear masks.
  • Have the courage to speak the truth in love.
  • Treat people with respect, as you would want to be treated.
  • Admit it when you are wrong and be big enough to apologize.
  • Be loyal and avoid gossip. Integrity is how we treat those who are not present.
  • Keep your commitments and your word.
  • Restore trust when it has been lost.
  • Be quick to forgive.

How is the level of trust in your relationships?

Trust… think about it.

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