Merry Christmas!

Christmas Joy to the world, the Lord is come …

With Christmas only a few days away I'd like to take this time to wish each one of your a blessed Christmas. Thanks for your interest in this blog over the last year. I am taking a few weeks holidays now so there won't be any new posts until the end of January.

With over 500 posts so far on this blog, there is plenty of interesting and inspirational reading material. Click on the categories to the right and have a browse through … and of course, the comments section is always an interesting read.

Grace and peace!

Growing Faith …

Faith Faith is not static. It can be measured. The Bible speaks of people with “no faith”, “little faith”, “weak faith”, “dead faith”, “great faith”, “full of faith” and “strong faith”. Of course, even a small amount of faith in God has great power (Luke 17:6). Most importantly, our faith can grow (2 Thess. 1:3. 2 Cor.10:15). The disciples prayed, “Lord, increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). How would you describe your level of faith in God right now – is it high, low or somewhere in between? How can we move our faith in God up to a TEN?

1. Trust in God (Prov.3:5-6). Life is a journey and we can have a sense of where we have come from, where we are now and where we are going BUT there are unexpected turns in the road and different seasons that we go through along the way (ask Job, Joseph, Esther and Daniel). Some things are within our control while many things aren’t. At all times, we need to choose to TRUST in God. Trust is not fatalism but rather it is an active faith in who God is and what he is doing.

Our trust in God can grow. As we experience God’s faithfulness in our lives we compile memories that can strengthen us during difficult times. When facing Goliath, David recalled the victories that God had given him over the lion and the bear. Have confidence in God’s goodness, even in the face of your doubts. God is at work! He causes all things to work together for good to those who love him and who are called according to his purpose (Rom.8:28). No, all things don’t work out the way we want them to; no, not all things are good; and no, God doesn’t cause all things. However, he is the master designer who causes ALL things (the good and the bad, our successes and our failures) to work together for his ultimate purpose in our lives. This is something that we can KNOW. That level of confidence helps us to trust … even when we do not understand.

2. Expect God to Keep His Promises. Faith involves a positive expectation about the future. Faith gives birth to hope and hope gives birth to positive action. Faith believes that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above whatever we could ever ask, think or imagine (Eph.3:20). Sometimes when our hopes are dashed or unmet, we find it hard to expect God to show up. We start to doubt his promises and we can even end up in unbelief. We need to understand that often there are delays between God’s promises and their fulfillment. Delays become times of testing (Ps.105:16-19). However, delays are not denials and we must continue in faith even during these times of contradiction. It is also important for us to realise that God’s ways are different than ours and this may mean that the fulfillment of his promises occurs in ways least expected.

3. Never Give Up! An important dimension of faith is a choice to never give up, to persist, to be determined, and to not lose heart … whatever life may throw at us. Life is not always easy. Jesus made it clear that his followers would experience times of pressure and trouble in this world (see John 16:33 and also Acts 14:21-22. 2 Cor.1:3-5. 1 Pet.4:12). However, God promises that his grace will be enough for us to endure anything that we go through (2 Cor.12:7-10). When we are feeling weak, his strength is available to us as long as we do not quit (2 Cor.4:8-9, 16-18). Determine to finish the race God has given you to run (Acts 20:22-24). Times of pressure help to develop our character, they have the potential to make us stronger (Jas.1:2-8), and they make us more empathetic to others’ pain (2 Cor.1:3-7). Have the courage, determination and commitment to finish. To win is to get up each time you fall. It’s always too soon to quit.

What Would Jesus Say to Tiger Woods?

Tiger Tiger Woods, the world's greatest golfer, has recently been involved in a public scandal after his multiple affairs have come to the surface. His marriage is on the rocks and he has put his golfing career on hold as he tries to repair the damage caused to his family and his public reputation. Decisions have consequences and once trust is broken it is very hard to rebuild. It's a sad story … whatever way you look at it.

What would Jesus say to Tiger?

That's an interesting question …

A few ideas may spring to mind such as "Be sure your sins will find you out," "You reap what you sow", "What is done in secret will be shouted from the roof tops," and maybe "Pride goes before a fall."

What do you think Jesus would say?

Maybe Jesus would approach Tiger in a similar way as he did the woman caught in the act of adultery. The religious leaders were ready to stone her but Jesus said …

"Neither do I condemn you …" That was grace – a grace ready to forgive and ready to lift of the guilt and shame of a person who had broken the law and made wrong choices (what the Bible calls 'sin').

Then he said, "Go and sin no more." That was truth – a recognition that sin dishonors God and that it brings great damage to our lives. Obviously, we need the help of the Spirit to break the power of sin and to live life the way God designed it to be lived. Jesus assumed that this woman could learn from her mistakes and make different choices from that moment on.

One of Jesus' closest disciples, John, described Jesus as full of grace and truth (John 1:14). May we become more like Him every day.

Why not offer a prayer up for Tiger … that somehow, in this situation that has been caused by his own choices, he will turn to and find a God that is full of grace and truth.


Baggag I love to travel. The very atmosphere of airports and airplanes energises me. I love visiting new places and meeting new people. However, my wife doesn’t get quite as excited. In fact, she starts packing a few weeks ahead of time, just to make sure she’s got everything she needs. I tend to pack in the last minute.

You know, as we travel through our journey of life we all tend to carry various sorts of baggage with us. Some types of personal baggage from our past can become pretty tiring to carry after a while. In fact, the emotional strain can become overwhelming. Sometimes we have to make a choice to ‘let go’ of things, including situations in the past where we were hurt by other people, where we were disappointed by life, or maybe where we failed ourselves.

What’s in your suitcase? What are you carrying with you right now? What’s dragging you down? Are there some things worth off-loading? Is there some baggage you’d be better off getting rid of? Doubts, questions, regrets, hurts … maybe it’s time to let them go. Why not do that today … even right now.

Baggage … think about it.

Web Wonders – December 2009

WWW Today we continue with our web wonders recommendations. Check out October and November's lists if you missed them. Here are some more:

  1. CHRISTMAS. Tired of the commericalism of Christmas? Check out Advent Conspiracy for some creative alternative ideas about spending less and giving more.
  2. PARCEL DELIVERY. Want to send something across town, interstate or overseas? Check out Interparcel for excellent rates via their online web site. They'll pick up from your house and even send you the labels ready to print out and attach.
  3. REAL ESTATE. Interesting in buying, selling, renting or investing in property? is the place to go.
  4. CHRISTIANITY. Interested in what's happening within the broader Christian community? Check out Christianity Today's excellent web site.
  5. BIBLE READING. Want to set up your own Bible reading plan? Check out this web site for everything you need to get started.
  6. TRAVEL. Going to another country and aren't sure what electricity current they have or what adapters you need? This web site has all the information. Here's a good currency converter web site too.

Happy surfing!