Political Awareness

Unknown-9 Now that we have a new Australian government, it's important to stay aware and involved. It is important that we don't withdraw from the political process once an election is over. There are many things we can do on an ongoing basis. We can pray daily for our Prime Minister and our nation's influencers. We can respond to various issues and debates talking place, letting our local MPs know our thoughts and concerns.

An excellent way to keep in touch with what is taking place in Canberra is via the Australian Christian Lobby newsletter. Click here to read the latest edition and why not sign up to receive their free newsletter. It is an excellent resource. Thanks to Jim Wallace and the team for their excellent contribution in being a positive voice to the Australian Parliament. 

Up up and away …

Unknown-8 Ever since I was kid, I have loved to travel. I remember as a 9 year old taking my first flight from Australia to America with my parents. I remember the feeling of looking down from the airplane and seeing the city looking smaller and smaller – like a model of tiny roads, cars and buildings. Rising above the clouds was also a surreal feeling. They looked like a sea of cotton wool. I've been travelling regularly ever since.

A certain amount of travel is good for a church leader. It lifts you out of your context and helps you see what God is doing in other places and cultures. There is so much to learn from seeing things in a different way and from a different perspective. It is also a great honour to be able to serve and input to others. Of course, there is a danger in travelling too much where too much pressure is created for the local leadership team because the senior leader is away so much. Outside ministry can become a distraction if you allow it too.

For many years now I have limited my travel (other than family holidays) to five weekends a year. That is because my priority is leading and ministering in our local church where I am the senior minister. I also endeavour to choose strategic invitations where my time is well invested. This usually includes at least one mission trip a year.

Last year I visited the USA, Sweden, Singapore and Indonesia. This year I have been to Singapore, Moscow, and I have a trip to Africa coming up. Next year, I already have plans to visit Korea and the USA. Over a few decades of ministry now, I have been able to visit and minister in many other nations too, including China, Czech, England, Ethiopia, Germany, India, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand and Uganda.

It's a big world out there and God is at work in every place. We can't all go (although we should at least consider it!), but we can pray and get behind mission ministry in our local churches. Together we really can impact nations for the kingdom of God.

Learning on the Web with iTunes U

Itunes-u The world wide web provides a wealth of information for learning and growing in any area of life. One place I have recently discovered is iTunes U. It contains over 350,000 free lectures, videos, films and other resources from some of the leading universities and educational institutions in the world. Read all about it here.

Once you have downloaded iTunes (a free program that works in either a MAC or Windows software environment, as well as on most mobile phones) you are ready to go. Most people who have used iTunes are aware of the availability of music, podcasts, movies, TV programs and even audiobooks via the iTunes Store, but many have not noticed the iTunes U section (on the far right). 

Check it out!

Prayer Starters

Images-10 One thing that helps motivate me to draw near to God more consistently is reading the thoughts of those who have walked with God for many years. Here are a few quotes and insights that have helped me:

My heart has heard you say, "Come talk to me." And my heartresponds, "Lord, I am coming." [Psalm 27:8]

O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you! I will praise you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer. You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy. [Psalm 63:1-5]

For my people have done two evil things: They have abandoned me — the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all! [Jeremiah 2:13]

Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts, thou fount of life, thou light of men, from the best bless that life imparts … we turn unfilled to thee again." [Bernard of Clairvaux]

What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear; What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear. All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge; take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer; in his arms he'll take and shield thee, thou wilt find a solace there. [Hymn by Joseph Scriven and Charles C. Converse]

If you're looking for a good book on prayer, check out any works by E.M.Bounds. His words are enough to light a bonfire in any cold heart! 

Another good book on prayer I've been reading lately is Deepening Your Conversation with God: The Life Changing Power of Prayer by Ben Patterson.

Friend Request

Images-9 It's an amazing thing that the God of the universe not only created us but also desires for us to be in a close relationship with him as his children. We can know him and even be his friend. I receive Facebook new friend requests every day. It's always nice to accept people and it's nice when others accept you.

God asks to be our friend and offers his friendship to us. It's an easy thing to accept … but how often we can forget to keep the friendship going and growing. Like any friendship, our relationship with God needs time … conversation … and the open sharing of feelings.

If you are anything like me, you know that there are so many things to distract us and pull us away from quality time with God. There's the unending avalanche of incoming email, phone calls, text messages, Facebook comments … and BLOG comments for some of us … that can quickly swamp our mind. We jump into action mode and it can be hard to pull away. Productivity can almost become addictive. Like Martha, who was busy preparing a meal for Jesus and her guests, we can become stressed and little on the grumpy side … working so hard to keep the world running and to serve the God we love.

Somewhere along the way, the emptiness of it all sinks in … and we feel the call … again … to come aside … and sit at Jesus' feet as Mary did … hungering for his voice. Needing his touching. Longing to know the warmth of his love once again.

The words of a song by Steve Fry called "Oh, I Want to Know You More" sum it all up  …

Just the time I feel that I've been caught in the mire of self
Just the time I feel my mind's been bought by worldly wealth
That's when the breeze begins to blow, I know the Spirit's call
And all my worldly wanderings just melt into His love

Oh I want to know You more
Deep within my soul I want to know You
Oh I want to know You
To feel Your heart and know Your mind
Looking in Your eyes stirs up within me
Cries that say I want to know You
Oh I want to know You more
Oh I want to know You more

When my daily deeds ordinarily lose life and song
My heart begins to bleed sensitivity to Him is gone
I've run the race but set my pace and face a shattered soul
But the gentle arms of Jesus warm my hunger to be whole

Oh I want to know You more
Deep within my soul I want to know You
Oh I want to know You
And I would give my final breath to know you in your death and resurrection
Oh I want to know You more
Oh I want to know You more

(Copyright 1983 by Steve Fry)

Show a little kindness …

Unknown-7 I heard a interesting thought this week highlighting the fact that there are nine fruit of the Spirit but that the one in the middle (with four either side in the list) is KINDNESS (Gal.5:22). As followers of Christ, are we known as being kind? Kindness is to be one of the evidences of God's Spirit at work transforming our hearts. I think we could all show a little more kindness to others around about us and thereby shine the light of Christ a little brighter in a dark world. 

"The Lord is righteous in everything he does; he is filled with kindness." [Ps.145:17]

"Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart." [Prov.3:3]

"You kindness will reward you; but your cruelty will destroy you." [Prov.11:17]

"This is what the Lord of Heaven's Armies says: Judge fairly, and show mercy and kindness to one another." [Zech.7:9]

"Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean anything to you? Can't you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?" [Rom.2:4]

"He (God) has showered his kindness on us …" [Eph.1:8]

Pastor Plans on Burning Koran

Unknown-4 A Florida pastor by the name of Terry Jones plans on hosting a Koran burning event at his church to commemorate the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the USA – 9/11 (this coming Saturday). He is doing this to target Islam extremists. Protestors are rallying in various countries around the world and their are growing security concerns in the US. The move has been criticised by many people, including President Obama.Violent attacks of retaliation on innocent people could occur.

So what do you think? Is this an appropriate response by a Christian leader to Islam extremists? What would Jesus do? What happened to "love your enemies?" It sure doesn't help the cause of Christ and the reputation of His followers in our global village. 

What would you say to Terry Jones if you had a chance?

P.S. Latest reports indicate that the event has been cancelled … though we can't be sure (see report here).


Images-8 The apostle Peter wrote the following to some first century followers of Christ …

"… worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ." [1 Peter 3:15-16. NLT] 

The word translated "explain" in our English language (or "reason" in other translations) is the Greek word apologia, which means to give an account of yourself (in a legal sense) or an explanation and defence of your beliefs. From this thoughts emerges the concept of "apologetics", which refers to the development of a reasoned argument for a belief or set of beliefs.

Our faith as Christians involves a great degree of trust, but it is not faith without reason. There are good reasons for faith and we need to be prepared to share them with others. In helping to equip ourselves to know what we believe and why we believe it, there are a number of excellent resources. Here are a few that I would highly recommend:

  1. www.apologetics.org – a web site sponsored by the C.S. Lewis society.
  2. Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) – a web site dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith.
  3. www.apologetics.com – a web site dedicated to challenging believers to think and thinkers to believe.
  4. Ravi Zacharias Ministries – Ravi's ministry has some excellent resources on apologetics.
  5. Lee Strobel – Lee was once a devout atheist but came to faith in Christ after investigating the claims of Jesus. He has produced a variety of very good videos and books, including the best-selling The Case for Christ.
  6. N.T. Wright – Tom Wright is one of today's leading biblical scholars. His writings provide a wealth of material for thinking Christians.
  7. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis – this classic is still one of the best explanations of the Christian faith.

As we share about our faith, God does not desire us to do so in an argumentative manner. After all, it is ultimately the Spirit of God that reveals Christ to the human heart, even though truth is often a part of the process. 

Labor Wins the Australian 2010 Federal Election

Finally, after two and a half weeks of speculation and negotiation, we have a government – a Labor government led by Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Support from a few independent MPs has given Gillard the narrowest of margins. Labor's position on broadband and climate change were influential in the final decision. This has been Australia's first hung parliament since the 1940s. Images-7

Without doubt, Australia is a divided nation politically and only time will tell how well the new government will perform in leading the nation forward. Labor voters will be pleased with the final outcome while Liberal voters will naturally be disappointed. 

Whatever our personal stance politically and however we may have voted, as followers of Christ now is the time to accept the decision that has been made. Like it or not, Julia is our Prime Minister and we have a Labor government. Paul's words to the early Christians have fresh relevance for us today. Remember he was writing during a time when the Roman Empire was in power and Nero was the Emperor.

"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth." [1 Timothy 2:1-4. NLT] 

Now is the time to continue to be salt and light in our world, showing we are Christ's followers by our love – for all people. Finally, let's remember what God requires of us … "O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." [Micah 6:8. NLT] 

Happy Father’s Day!

Images-6 Today is Father's Day here in Australia. I pray that all the dads have a terrific day. I am thankful for my own dad and his influence on my life. He was an orphan so he grew up without a father his entire life. Thankfully, he came to know God as his heavenly Father and then did his best to be to me the father he never had. 

Click here for a few thoughts on understanding your own father and here for a few Father's Day quotes.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads!

A Good Father

Dad (2) Dads, your kids need you and its never to late to start being a better father. Fathering is a vital, honorable, and essential part of the fabric of human life.

In his book Five Signs of a Loving Family, author Gary Chapman outlines a few signs of a good father. Here they are:

  1. A good father is active in his fathering. He actively seeks to be involved in his child’s life and initiates such involvement. Don't leave it to chance.
  2. A good father makes time to be with his children. He doesn’t give them the leftovers. Don't spend time with your children out of a sense of guilt or obligation, but because it feeds your soul and is a job you are proud of doing well. Where we spend out time is a reflection of our priorities – what is important to us.
  3. A good father engages his children in conversation. He builds intimacy through two-way communication. Share your life with your children and ask them good questions about what is happening in their world.
  4. A good father plays with his children. He creates laughter, fun, and pleasure.
  5. A good father teaches his values. He teaches about what is important in life. Train your child in the way he or she should go (Proverbs 22:6). This involves modeling values and character to your children. Discipline your children lovingly when necessary. Don’t be a wimpish father who leaves the discipline to the mother or worse yet, undermines her discipline. Be an equal partner in discipline. If a father is doing his bit, the mother relaxes, feels supported, and is less cold and harsh as a result. Get involved!
  6. A good father provides for and protects his children.
  7. A good father loves his children unconditionally. Boys and girls need affirmation and admiration from their fathers. They needs lots of encouragement – it's like oxygen to the soul. They also need forgiveness when they fail. Treat them with respect. Honour and value them. Treat them as precious.

Dads, we need you!

A Pastor’s Prayer

Images-5 I loved this prayer by Martin Luther (quoted in A Minister's Prayer Book by John Doberstein).

"Lord God, thou has appointed me to be a bishop and pastor in thy church. Thou seest how unfit I am to undertake this great and difficult office, and were it not for thy help, I would long since have ruined it all. Therefore I cry unto thee; I will assuredly apply my mouth and my heart to thy service. I desire to teach the people, and I myself would learn and ever more diligently meditate on thy Word. Use thou me as thy instrument, only do not though forsake me, for if I am left alone I shall easily bring it all to destruction. Amen."

 Any church leader would understand …