Over 2,000 years ago Jesus said that he would build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. The church is his master project. Nothing else occupies his mind and heart as much as this. The church is not a building, not an organisation and not an event. It is God's people – a community of Christ-followers, empowered by the Spirit to participate in God's mission in the world. As long that is happening, the form and style of the church is not overly important. In fact, it takes all sorts of churches to reach the wide variety of people in our world.
I love the church and I'm passionate about it becoming all that God intends for it to be. On my BLOG, I have written a host of articles about the church – covering topics such as church governance, mega churches, the emerging church, multi-site churches, church planting, Pentecostalism, and women's ministry.
Click here to start reading (and don't forget to click "Next" at the bottom of the first page of posts to access the rest).
Happy reading 🙂