An Alternative to Task Lists – Kanban Project Management

KanAll of us have tasks we want to get done or projects we are working on. Keeping a record of them all in one place is really important. The most popular method is a task or project list, which can be looked at regularly then items are ticked off when completed. But what if you are more of a visual person?

The Kanban (meaning 'signboard' or 'billboard') project management method was invented by Japanese engineers to create a logical workflow system. Over time the concept has been adapted for use by organisations, workteams or individuals. The method involves (1) visualising your workflow by using a board to diagram all your tasks/projects, (2) limiting your work-in-progress to a minimum, and (3) viewing your accomplishments.

All you need is a pen, a whiteboard and some sticky notes to start mapping your workflow and boosting your productivity. Use three columns:

  1. READY (work waiting to be tackled)
  2. DOING (for work-in-progress)
  3. DONE (for completed tasks).

Understanding your work is often the key to controlling it. Kanban helps you to keep everything in sight.

I now use an App based on the Kanban method of time management called Kanbana (iPad video demo), which is highly visible, lists projects that are in backlog, focuses on what I am doing now, and allows me to move completed items to an area where I can see what I have done so far in the day. I really like it. You might too …

Read more about the Kanban Method:

All Things NEW!


God is a God of new things. He has made us new creations, given us new hearts, a new spirit, a new covenant. We live in a new day; we have a new name; we have a new commandment; we’ve been given new garments; His mercies are new every morning; we drink of the new wine; we’re headed for a new Jerusalem and eventu­ally a new heavens and earth. In the end, God makes all things new!

Embracing the new things God has for us implies leaving the old behind. It requires change and transition. God wants freshness in our lives not stagnation, staleness or sameness. God sent the manna to Israel fresh daily. It could not be kept for the next day or it would rot and stink (Exodus 16:12-31). In the same way, we need to keep receiving the new things God has for us. He wants us to be willing, open and ready to change.

Let’s have a great start to the new year, embracing all the new things and new stories God has in store for us together.

All things NEW – that’s our theme this month at CityLife.