Images-10 4.  Practices over Beliefs

We BELIEVE at lot of good things! Most churches have an orthodox "Statement of Faith" and many have articulated an admirable list of "Core Values." However, we must go beyond this. Beliefs are very important but we must move to ensuring that practices flow out of those beliefs. We must bridge the gap between preferred values and actual values. 

The Great Commission was not about knowledge but rather about action. We were told by Jesus to, “… teach them to DO … everything I have commanded you (Matt.28:18-20).” Notice Jesus did not say "… to know" or even "… to believe." Although knowledge and beliefs are important, they don't change the world – only action does.  

Behaviours are actually a greater indicator of our true values than are beliefs. How we live our lives in the evidence of God’s Spirit at work within us and our co-operation with Him.

Do we think ourselves into a new way of behaving or do we behave ourselves into a new way of thinking?

This year, our church is focusing more on the qualitative aspects of our lives as DISCIPLES of Jesus Christ, and specially, how that works itself out in our daily lives. After all, the person who built their house on the rock, was the person who heard the teachings of Jesus AND put them into practice (Matt.7:24-27).

One thought on “Random Thought #4 – Practices over Beliefs

  1. Excellent points to ponder on… Thanks Mark for your wise insights. Love your statement “The Great Commission was not about knowledge but rather about action.” All Christians are called to be co-workers with God in the harvest of souls… This is so true… > Behaviours are actually a greater indicator of our true values than are beliefs. How we live our lives is the evidence of God’s Spirit at work within us and our co-operation with Him. < We become what we read & meditate on... Proverbs are good to read often.

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