MAC I have been a PC computer user most of my adult life. I started with a desktop and eventually moving to a laptop then a netbook. I have managed to find my way around a host of Microsoft Windows based software programs. They have been tremendously helpful to all sorts of tasks and aspects of work and personal life. [Click here to read about my current technology]

Of course, our young adult children and heaps of our other friends (mostly the creative types) are into MACs. What is it about PC and MAC users – they don't really like each other and you have to be in one camp OR the other, for some reason. It's a bit like FORD and Holden, AFL and Rugby League, and Collingwood and whoever (after all you can't 'like' Collingwood – you have to 'love' them or 'hate' them; nothing in between seems appropriate). There is no neutral ground.

Well, I have to confess, I am a bit of a two-timer with my computers. The family has an iMAC desktop at home and I use it from time to time … and it really is amazing. Software programs such as iPhoto, Logic (for music) and iMovie are so intuitive and simple to use. In fact, I recently created a photo montage movie for a friend's 21st birthday party and people thought I was the next Spielberg! I even had job offers 🙂

I now have an iPad and our recent new work phone deal offered me an iPhone, so I really am flirting with both sides … PCs and MACs … and enjoying it (much to the disgust of either side). There are so many cool Apps for these gadgets. A few of my favorites are Things (I changed across to Wunderlist in February 2012, which is an excellent free program that works on all platforms), Bento, and the OliveTree Bible Reader. I can also use my Logos 4 Bible program via an iPad App, which enables me to access all of my Bible software and books.

For a more technical article, see the August edition of Australian PC Authority for an article entitled "Is the Best PC a MAC?" Click here for something similar.


I wonder if the two will ever meet … PCs and MACs … some day in cyber heaven!?

4 thoughts on “My Favorite MAC Programs

  1. We shifted to Mac tentatively in 05 for our recording studio and then we hesitantly bought an iMac. I had presumed that you had to be really clever to use a Mac and that it would be beyond my baby boomer brain, but quite the opposite was true. We are now a Mac household with all things Mac… haven’t found a good enough excuse to buy an iPad… maybe if I was still preaching, hmmm now that would work… but seriously, it’s the simplicity and the time I no longer waste waiting for my computer to ‘warm up’ that I love. I’m also an advocate for Natural Horse Training and couldn’t go back to the traditional methods… You can’t sit on that fence for ever Mark :0)

  2. Hi Mark,
    I can’t bring myself to buy a MAC. Probably because from late 1993 till 2000 I lived in Hong Kong where I had a bad experience with Apple MACs. The marketing department was the only department with MAC’s and used them to create brochures and flyers etc. The rest of the office was engineering (design consultancy) and therefore Microsoft office on PC. We were asked to provide a graphic for the marekting department only to learn MAC’s could not talk to PC’s and didn’t support most networking protocols. We ended up having to compress and workaround the problem with a utility that only allowed us to transfer the data via a 3.5 inch disk. The whole expereince was terrible and turned me away from MACs. The PC’s power and appeal was the level of integration it offered with the Microsoft suite, particularly when linking Word with Excel and even to CAD drawings. PC’s also give you many options to achieving the same outcome which I don’t think MAC’s do. You could always open a dos window (and still can) and execute dos commands for functions that were not avaialable on PC and definitely not on MACs.
    Having said all this I have concluded MAC’s are great for artisitic endeavors (music, videos etc)but when it comes to technical things – PC’s are the way to go. A PC is for the technically minded while MAC’s are for the artists. Neither is wrong just simply meeting different needs.

  3. What heresy- PCs and MACs meeting! Everyone knows that PCs are from Venus and MACs from Mars- where could they possibly meet!?
    The VERY idea!
    What IS the world coming to?
    Next- people will be suggesting that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates do coffee!
    AS IF!!

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