Untamed My good friends Alan and Deb Hirsch have recently written a book called Untamed that is definitely worth a read by every church leader and every Christian. As I talk around today, God seems to be re-emphasizing the need for discipleship. It is so easy to focus on numbers, church growth and bigness and miss the vital importance of people becoming more like Jesus. I think the Spirit is calling the church to grow deeper and to lift the spiritual vitality in our lives.

In this book, the Hirsches try to get us back to the revolutionary Jesus we are supposed to be following. Maybe our God has become too domesticated and we've lost the radical nature of what it means to be a Christ-follower. You won't find a methodology here but your paradigms will be challenged.

"A desperately needed shot of spiritual adrenaline into our mild-mannered and mediocre attempts at following Christ." [from the foreword by Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life]

2 thoughts on “Untamed: Re-activating Missional Discipleship

  1. “In this book, the Hirsches TRY to get us back to the revolutionary Jesus we are supposed to be following. Maybe our God has become too domesticated and we’ve lost the radical nature of what it means to be a Christ-follower”.
    This sounds like a good book. Interesting that you have used the term ‘try’ Mark – (please don’t take this the wrong way) but that sounds as if there is a (general) admission that perhaps Contemporary Church has lost it’s way – atleast with regards to discipleship.
    Personally, I feel drawn to return to pursue discipleship in a more intentional, more serious way. The way Ilive my life at present ‘just isn’t good enough’. (Now that’s a thought that seems to be at odds with ‘saved by faith alone’. )
    Just thinking aloud…

  2. Yes, I think there is a sense amongst many church leaders and that contemporary church today has become good at putting on events and gatherings but less effective at making disciples who live like Jesus. A challenging thought!

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