Catch the Wind – that’s what I want to do in my life – discern where God is at work, where his Spirit is moving, and then catch the wind!

What an exhilierating feeling to be carried by the wind rather than living through your own effort.

It’s a bit like the difference between rowing a boat and sailing a boat. Rowing is all about your own effort and what you can do. Sailing is about positioning yourself to catch the wind – a power not your own. If the wind doesn’t blow, you aren’t going anywhere BUT once you catch the wind, watch out! You’ll be hanging on for the ride of your life.

I want to sail! Let’s catch the wind today and see what God does.

10 thoughts on “Catch the Wind

  1. This is a beautiful passage of words; it is very loving and sobering. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it, I seem to remember you preaching a sermon on this.
    Thank you
    God bless

  2. Hello Mark,
    What a great idea this blog is. I know you are very busy and can not catch up with everyone at church, but reading this, is a bit like dropping by for a cuppa with you. It is good to get to know what your thoughts are on important everyday subjects. All the best to you and your loved ones.

  3. Hi Mark,
    I think it’s a passage with real meaning, from my personal experience in the past my situation was like rowing a boat, now i have to wait for the wind, well i start to realize patients and the pray for the god is necessary.

  4. Amen…I totally agree with you Mark. It’s so exhilirating to be sailing strongly with Jesus, in the power of His Holy Spirit anointing. 🙂 May we all sail strongly together,
    in one accord, filled with God’s gracious love… powered by the wind of His Holy Spirit
    …totally trusting God, in humble obedience. Thank you for sharing your heart and thoughts my dear brother… God bless you.
    Love in Christ, Marija

  5. Hi Mark,
    I agree with sentiment of your passage. I was wondering whether you felt a lift in the spiritual atmosphere of the church? I have personally felt a greater presence of the spirit over the past 12 months but I am unsure if this is a reflection of my relationship with Jesus and prayer for revival in my heart or something that everyone is experiencing.
    I have read about revivals of the past and was wondering how CityLife would cope if there was an explosion of new converts or if people were being slain in the spirit during a service that was not the last for the day. How would you start the next service etc. I can’t help but think we should be ready for such an event – one of my favourite expressions is Preparation Precedes Blessing.
    Love to read your thoughts.

  6. Yes, I think there has been a tangible lift in the spiritual atmosphere at CityLife this year, although we’d always like to see more. No doubt, God is at work and doing some great things. I like to think of church as a river with banks. We don’t just want banks with no river (or life) nor do we want a river with no banks that becomes a destructive flood. I think that the key is to provide an environment where the Spirit can move. If God did something incredibly supernatural, like on the day of Pentecost, we’d have to just go with what God is going. I’d be more than open to that – as long as it is God and not just someone trying to make something happen.

  7. Agree – it must be God and not man and glad to hear your open to the possibility of the spirit moving in such a way.

  8. Hi Mark,
    I have a nagging question about your comment “as long as it is God and not just someone trying to make something happen”. I suppose what bothers me is the unspoken implication that this has occurred in the past and undoubtedly caused damage to the body of Christ. I think of the Brownsville Revival and the Toronto Blessing and wonder if they are applicable?
    I raised this topic of discussion because of the enormity of the task that the Lord has given us (as a body) to make disciples of the nations. I read the statistics and how the world’s population is growing at a rate far greater than Christianity’s growth. Some recent articles I have read suggest Islam will have greater numbers than Christianity by 2020.
    It is my understanding (and please correct me if I am wrong) that Christ will not come back for HIS church until everyone has had the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel. I feel somewhat discouraged as I read of the small number of missionaries in the field. How many people have been called but are not responding?
    I feel that a great world wide revival will be necessary to fulfil the great commission as we appear to be going backwards in reaching the world when looking at it from percentages as opposed to absolute numbers. I think CityLife is a great church and I respect and submit to your authority. I think you are doing a great job. When it comes to the world wide church however I feel that it is ‘asleep’ and is far from fulfilling God’s plan. Given that God does not have a Plan B i.e. we are his Plan A – I see the body needing a great big kick in the rear in order to get on and be obedient to what God wants from his children. I huge dose of conviction (not guilt). I see this fulfilled through a revival far greater in its reach and impact than the 1900 revival.

  9. Hi Mark,
    Great message tonight. It went a long way to addressing some of the points I made yesterday. I suppose it is all about doing what we can were we are with a desire and hunger to have God move and use us to fulfill the great commission. Once again – great message. Praise the Lord.
    P.S. Last night’s sharing in our lifegroup was very much in line with your message tonight. I spoke to the person who led our LG discussion after this evening’s service and he was very encouraged. His face lit up with the realisation God had spoken to him about his preparation. Love it when the body of Christ is moving in sync.
    Blessings to you and your family

  10. Hi Reiner. Once again, thanks for your comments. I think God really moved through things such as Bronwsville and Toronto. These ministries brought real refreshing to many people around the world. However, I think some people stopped at the ‘drinking fountain’, so to speak, and didn’t get on with evangelism.
    I agree with you that there is an urgent need for the church around the world to ‘wake up’. The task at hand is huge and we have all we need in the person and power of the Holy Spirit. The sleeping giant needs to arise!

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