You version has launched a free online Bible called YouVersion. YouVersion has been growing by hundreds of thousands of users each month. Almost 7 million people are reading the Bible through one of their mobile apps, including the iPhone and the newly released iPad. Check out their BLOG here.

In addition to multiple translations being available, you can put together your own personal reading plan, create journal notes, and interact with other people about their learnings.

Worth checking out!

4 thoughts on “A New Online Bible

  1. WOW!!! AWESOME! Thank you so much Mark for sharing the link. Love it!
    This is a fantastic tool for any serious Bible student 🙂

  2. Aww….I was all excited to finally have a great bible on my iphone when I read that you have to be connected to the internet to read it, so it won’t work when you’re flying…or if you don’t want to use up your monthly bandwidth. Hopefully they come out with a version to reside on the iphone. I’d happily pay for one as the ones available aren’t that easy to navigate.

  3. This looks great Mark.
    I have been using bibleglo for about 12 months which also has a wide range of study aids including film clips, maps, personal journal,reading plans etc. As I spend a lot of times in planes on my laptop it’s ideal and would address Janelle’s point. Check out

  4. Note for Janelle – I bought the Tecarta Bible app for my Iphone (less than $9) and it is fantastic. It resides in my Iphone and is such a fantastic way to use my in-between times.

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