

At another crossroads
So many options
Destination competition
Loud voices
Multiplicity of signs

Stay on the same course
Or make a turn?
Popular highway
Or the road less travelled?

Moving fast
Trying to read the map
Traffic congestion
Important decisions

Take a pit stop
Pull out of the race
Just for a moment
Catch your bearings

Where have you been?
Where have you come from?
Where are you now?
Pin point your location

Big picture
Zoom out on the map
Where are you headed?
Check the compass

What is true north?
Where do you really want to be?
Don't follow the crowd
Wide and easy road

Dare to be different
Be true to yourself
Hear the voice
Heed His call


Take the ancient path
Footprints in the sand
Follow His lead
Trust His heart

One step at a time
Don't rush ahead
Enjoy this moment
Be fully present

He IS the way


Forest Path

My joy, my peace, my source, my life
My rock, my anchor, my refuge, my strength
My healer, my freedom, my restorer, my transformer 
My wisdom, my guide, my creator, my courage 
My hope, my future, my vision, my inspiration 

God Almighty
Blessed Trinity
Father, Son and Spirit

Pause and think about it



A new day.
A fresh start
A clear page
Wonders waiting to be discovered. 

New dreams yet to be born.
Visions still unseen.
Insights unknown.
Wisdom from God's world. 

Yesterday is gone.
Only a memory now.
Lessons learnt.
Experience gained. 

Tomorrow's not yet here.
A future unrealized.
Always beyond our grasp.
The distant horizon. 

Live in this moment.
Right here right now.
The present is what we have.
Pregnant with possibility.

HE is here.
All you need.
Nothing lacking.
Fulness revealed.

Conquer fear.
Walk in faith.
Love is here.
Trust and wait. 

Wide awake.
Seize the day.
Drink it full.
All the way. 

Nothing wasted.
Nothing spared.
Brave and strong.
Free at last. 

Climb your mountain.
Sing your song.
Reach for the sky.
Everything belongs. 

Life is adventure.
Scary for sure.
Well worth living.
No regrets. 

This is your day.


Marine Expedition


God's world.
The power of the sea.
Endless motion. 
Seasons come and go.
The sands of time. 
Vast humanity.
Creation care. 
Human achievements are but castles in the sand.
Shaped by relentless movement and motion. 
His love never fails. 
His faithfulness reaches beyond – from generation to generation. 
Mercy un-ending. 
The finite meets the infinite.



Questions, doubts, disappointments
Like a wet blanket settling down
Lower, deeper, darker
Feels like your going to drown 

Can't cope, can't breathe
Intense pressure mounting
Will it ever ease? 
A burden, a weight, heaviness

Dark clouds, stormy wind, rainy days

Frazzled mind
Numb heart 
Spirit down
Weak will 

Is there a light?
Is there a word? 
Is there a song?
Will it be long?

Dawn slowly conquers the night
A new day born 
Words break silence
Peace stills the storm 

He is here
He is good
Truth will prevail
Faith will triumph

Breathe IN



[Mark Conner – 2nd July, 2014]



Be a light
In stormy sea
and gusty wind
Show the way

Faithful and true
Solid and strong
Built on the rock

Shine bright
Be clear
Stay at your post
True to your calling

[Mark Conner – 6th January, 2015]

[Picture taken near Point Londsale, Victoria]



Seasons come and seasons go
The sun rises then sets
Day turns to night
Summer to winter

Time is always moving
It never stops
Ceaseless forward motion
The cycle of life

The past is gone
The future’s not yet here
The present is all we have
Right here, right now

Be at peace
Let anxiety go
Say goodbye to regret
Worry’s a waste, you know

Live in this moment
Fully present
Fully alive
God is the great I AM

Feel His love
Never far away
Wake up!
This is your life

Love and be loved
Be a force for good
Fight injustice
Work for Kingdom come

One day time will end
History’s great convergence
Into God’s heart
For Eternity

[Mark Conner – 6th January, 2014]

Life’s Journey


The journey is difficult at times

Shadows fall
Can’t quite see
A little dark
Sunshine is far away

The path is narrow
Seems confined
Can’t go back
But can’t see far ahead

Take the ancient path
Ways well trodden
Pilgrim travellers
Spirit led

Going home
That’s the call
Keep on walking
Not alone

[Mark Conner – 5th January, 2015]

[Picture taken on pathway near Point Lonsdale, Victoria]

The Joy of HOME


"Christ is in me, and I in Christ.

In Christ, my home,  I belong – I see and am seen, I hear and am heard, I love and am loved – I belong.

In Christ, my home,  I am safe – there is nothing that separates me from Him.

In Christ, my home,  I have purpose – my purpose is to share the joy of home.

I am in Christ and Christ is in me – in Christ I have the joy of home – for He is the home of joy."

By Nicole Conner



In the shadows 
A cold chill
Shivering spine 
Dark and dreary

Feeling down
Low mood
Flat and lifeless
Depressing thoughts

Get up
Take a step
Just one
Start to move

Toward the light
The warmth of God's love 
Feel the hope
Live again

Energy returns 
Clouds clear 
See again
God is here

[Mark Conner – 5th July 2014]


E41A178DD0B749BEACC4197D9587E940An open door
Opportunity knocks
Someone calling
A mountain to climb

Divine opportunity?
Or nice distraction?
Hard to tell
Difficult to know

Did it choose me?
Or did I choose it?
Is my heart leading? 
Or simply following the lead?

Am I writing the script?
Or just reading what’s already there?
Am I in control?
Or just fulfilling my role?

Creator or creature?
Director or actor?
Leader or follower?
Yes or no?

Go deep
Into the unknown
Uncharted waters

Follow the storyline
See the narrative
A new chapter
Turn the page

What do you see?

[Mark Conner – 2nd April, 2014]



Day of rest
Work now done
Life is blessed
Thank the Son

No need for more
Just this moment
Time to pause

Let go
Say 'No'

Yesterday is gone
Tomorrow hasn't come
Today is life 
The Great I AM

In the air

Here and now
Quite profound

Can you hear?
Can you see?
Do you know?
Come with me

Sacred time
Sacred space
Still your mind
Holy place



Sabbath …

[Mark Conner – 24th February, 2014]

See also: Ministerial Sabbaticals

Morning Moments


Quiet and still
A new day born

Birds singing
Heart beating 

Before the rush
Before the noise
Cacophony of activity
Whirlwind of productivity
It's coming …

Be still
No rush

All you need
All you desire
Here right now
Come up higher

Holy place
Sacred time
Not alone
Heavenly company

Breathe out
Fear and worry
Breathe in
Peace and joy

Gentle brook 
Deep and wide
Come and drink
Life inside

Stay awhile …

Morning moments

[Mark Conner – 24th February 2014]

The Great Exchange

Great ExchangeMusing replaced by amusement 
Preoccupation over meditation 
Noise for quiet 
Activity for depth

Elders replaced by celebrities 
Glitz over substance
Acting for being
Gossip for wisdom

Better replaced by bigger
Trendy over timeless
Speed for well-being
Quick fix for deep change

Time for a great reversal

Selfishness replaced by love 
Joy over sorrow 
Grace for guilt
Peace for the storm

Lies replaced by truth
Justice over abuse
Hope for despair 
Good news for bad

Lethargy replaced by passion
Purpose over aimlessness 
Courage for fear
Faith for doubt 

God over all and in all

Ready to swap?


[Mark Conner – January 22nd, 2014]

An Invitation

InviteGod in human form
God with us

Jesus calls
Follow me
Will we go?

Spirit calls
Gentle whisper
Will we hear?

Father waits
We play with toys
Will we turn?

An invitation
From heaven’s throne room
Come and see

Other invitations
Distant preoccupations
Distract and clutter

For my heart
Tug of war

Who wouldn’t go?
What greater call?
What better company?

Just a quick visit
Or a lengthy stay
Or maybe another day

An invitation
Just for me
Time to RSVP


[Mark Conner – January 24th, 2014]