God has called us as Christians to be ‘salt’ and ‘light’ in our world. This includes every sector of society, including government. It is exciting to see more and more Christians aspiring to roles in politics. This is so important as we need people with Christian values in these influential positions.

Some people are called to have a voice ‘in’ politics. Others are called to be a voice ‘into’ the political arena. One such person is Jim Wallace, director of the Australian Christian Lobby. Jim and the ACL are doing an outstanding job bringing a Christian perspective on the key moral and social issues of our day to the key political influencers of our nation.

Recently, the ACL gathered over 150 Christian and church leaders from a diverse range of the body of Christ to Canberra to meet with the Prime Minister, Mr John Howard, and the Opposition Leader, Mr Kevin Rudd. The Prime Minister and Mr Rudd addressed the group and answered a variety of questions. I was privileged to be a part of this significant event.

Click here to see a full report of this event and to learn more about the ACL. I encourage you to support this important ministry – through prayer, voluntary involvement and even a financial donation.

One thought on “Christians and Politics

  1. I totally agree with you Mark. The Christian Lobby is worthy of our support and prayers. Our nation needs a Christian voice in every area of our society. It’s great to see God fearing men and women, leading this great nation of ours, with Godly wisdom and upholding Christian values! Watched the videos and I’m so thankful to God for Godly leadership in this country. Many blessings.
    Love in Christ, Marija

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