This year, I have enjoyed preparing and sharing a new series of messages on the theme of Everyday Experiences of the Divine.

Part 1 (given on 22nd February 2024 at Bayside Church) spoke about the centrality of spiritual experience to the Christian life, showing how the God that is beyond us, close to us, and within us, can be encountered in the ordinary aspects of our daily life. 

Part 2 (given on 16th April) spoke about how the sacred word can be a place where we experience God speaking to and with us. This message included a detailed overview of how we got our Bible and how we can benefit most from it, including reading it as a regular spiritual practice. 

Part 3 (given on 27th June) spoke about the importance of listening to God and hearing his voice. This message included lessons from the prophet Habakkuk about adopting a prophetic posture and practical insights for discerning God’s voice from the many other voices in our lives. 

Part 4 (given on 10th July) spoke about learning to see what God is doing and saying in the world around us. I included many practical examples illustrating how we can grow in awareness and attentiveness to the Divine. 

You can listen to the audio of these messages on my podcast, available in all popular podcast APPs or right here on the website. Or you can watch the messages in video format on YouTubePart 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

Stay tuned for two more messages in this exciting adventure of experiencing God more in our daily lives!

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