Friends_catsWe were created for friendship.

However, good friendships don’t just ‘happen’. They have to be cultivated and nurtured intentionally.

Each of us has various circles or levels of friendship.

  1. Acquaintances – these are the dozens and maybe even 100s of people you know, but on a surface level.
  2. Casual friendships – these are the many people with whom you have common interests and activities. There is a basic level of openness.
  3. Close friendships – these are the people who are close to you and with whom you have common goals.
  4. Intimate Friendships – these are the few people you have a deeper level of connection, commitment, and trust with. You feel safe with them.

It’s important to choose the right friends, as they influence us probably more than anyone else. We easily become like those we hang around with.

We all need to be friendlier. Reach out and make new acquaintances – out of these will come close friends. Make friends by being friendly. Ask questions, listen, and show interest.

There is a price to be paid if you want a valuable friendship. You can’t just order them through a drive-through window. It takes time and effort.

Friendship … Think about it.

One thought on “Friendship

  1. Time and effort is key, I agree. I went to a funeral last week of someone I considered to be one of my best friends, but we allowed busyness and work and kids going to different schools etc to get in the way and we barely saw each other over the last two years. Now I won’t see her again until I get to heaven. I will be investing more time and effort into the friends who are still here. Thank goodness she loved the Lord with all her heart, so I know with certainty I will be seeing her again.

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