Images-19 Generation Y are the children of the late Baby Boomers and the early Gen-Xers – born between 1984 and 2002. While experts differ on what to call them, all agree they are bound to change the way we approach life. Even if you have no interest at all, or no connection at all with this next generation of kids – you will be affected by how they turn out. 

We could call them Generation iY, because of the impact of the internet on their lives. They have literally grown up online. Theirs is the world of the iPod, iBook, iChat, iMovie, iPad and iTunes. And for many of them life is pretty much about "I."

Nearly half of the world's population is under the age of 25, which represents about 3 billion people. Gen iY is the most eclectic and diverse in history. They are also the first generation that doesn't need leaders to get information; they have electronic access to every pience of data you can imagine. 

All of this will either turn out to be good news or bad news as they migrate into adulthood. Tim Elmore's research reveals that this generation is (1) overwhelmed, (2) over-connected, (3) over-protected, and (4) over-served. That's not the whole picture of course. They can be very energetic, confident and capable. But it's time for those of us who care about these kids – parents, teachers, coaches, youth workers and employers – to pay attention to the way we are shaping them. 

Elmore goes on to describe the paradox of Gen iYs as being:

1. Sheltered … yet pressured.

2. Self-absorbed … yet generous.

3. Social … yet isolated by technology.

4. Ambitious … yet anxious.

5. Adventuresome … yet protected.

6. Diverse … yet harmonious.

7. Visionary … yet vacillating.

8. High achievement … yet high maintenance. 

The prophet Joel said that in the last days, God would pour out his Spirit on young and old together. It is not young vs old, or old vs young, but young and older working together for kingdom purpose. If we could only harness the enthusiasm of the young with the wisdom of the aged, what a powerful impact we could have on our world. Fight the generation gap. Be a bridge-builder today. Reach out and connect with a young person today. Listen to them. Challenge them. Show them that you love and care for them. What a different that can make!

For more information about Generation iY, check out Tim's book or his web site.

[Taken from Tim Elmore's new book. See also my previous posts here and here]

9 thoughts on “Generation iY

  1. Hey Mark, this is a little off topic but I’m curious to know, what is your take on Christians and tattoos?

  2. It is remarkable, that the young people of today seem to be full of contradictions; as Mark has clearly written in this post. I believe that it is true that the young and old must work together in providing a better world for God and Jesus to have their way.

  3. You don’t know me at all. But I was looking for a place to reminisce about your father back in the olden days here in Portland. I often have some of his plays on words pop into my mind. One of the most common was his “demon-nations” for denominations. I imagine he still has his witty sense of humor!!
    Connie Haag

  4. Hi Connie,
    Brother Kevin is more witty then ever. Mark, perhaps you could collate a book on your Dad’s witty comments. It would be precious indeed & sell like hot cakes too! 🙂
    Connie, did you know Brother Kevin wrote an autobiography? Perhaps you could buy that? It’s called ‘This is my story’. Excellent read.

  5. Yes, that would really sell Shereen!
    Connie, check out and search for my dad’s name – Kevin Conner – and you will find the book Shereen mentioned and many others. He is 84 now and still teaching and travelling, blessing and encouraging many.
    He is speaking at one of our campuses this coming next weekend 🙂
    God bless!

  6. Gday Mark and fellow bloggers,
    I teach/coach/mentor gen iy’s most days in my role as a driving trainer/instructor and absolutely love them to bits. Howver I have noticed some disturbing trends in attitude, moral compass etc…I just read the free online chapter from Tim’s book and he is describing what I am experiencing. I have some of my own ideas on helping iy’s and I am not just talking about their driving education although this is a big passion for me. Before I purchase the book I was wondering if anybody has already done so, read it and would not mind lending their copy for a read. I know I am sounding tight but just seems to me to make sense and maybe other like minded teachers, coaches of gen iy’s might like to get together and swap notes. Our future depends on it?! I can be contacted anytime on 0400 212 284 for a chat

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