Images-34 God has created principles, laws and systems by which the world runs. There are natural laws and spiritual laws. These are not formulas. They are principles that have general application in all cultures, times and situations (always with exceptions). They exist whether we know about them or not or whether we believe them or not. They are very real and they are unbreakable. If we work with them rather than against them, we will know the blessing of God.

The Principle of Seasons 

In nature, God changes the seasons four times each year (about every 3 months) on a recurring basis without fail – the colors change as does the temperature and the feel in the air (see Gen.1;14; 8:22. Psalm 74:17. Song 2:11). If you live in Melbourne, Australia, like I do, you frequently have the pleasure of experiencing the four seasons in one day. We often say to visitors, "If you don't like the weather … wait an hour (or look out a different window)!"

God also uses the principle of seasons in the growth and development of our personal lives. There are “spiritual seasons” or “life cycles” we all experience throughout life. In fact our life is also made up of multiple seasons. There is variety, with peaks and valleys, change and colour. But the seasons all have a purpose – to bring about change and growth in our lives for the pleasure of God and the benefit of others.

Ps 1:3. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. (NIV)

Ecc.3:1. There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. (NIV)

Dan 2:21. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. (NIV)

Gal 6:9. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time (in the right season) we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

The seasons of life roll by at an astonishing rate. Only our great God and His Word remain unchanged. Each year we all grow older but hopefully stronger too. Different seasons are designed to strengthen and deepen us, as well as to instruct us in the ways of God. They are meant to help us grow strong … like a tree planted by rivers of water. We should not fear the changing seasons or the winds of adversity. Roots grow deep when the winds are strong. Stand tall in God.

There are many ways of looking at the seasons symbolically or as an analogy for our personal lives. As we look at the four seasons, we will apply them to the harvest process in our lives of reaping what we sow. Of course, our seasons of personal growth don’t tie in directly with the natural seasons nor are they all necessarily the same length. Also, you may be in one season in your personal life and a quite different one in your career or business. The activities and arenas of life overlap. In addition, the seasons come again next year. You don’t have the luxury of living in a harvest season forever. You must reap and then begin preparing for a new harvest the following year. There’s always more.

I believe that every person can learn to manage the seasons of their life and become a successful farmer. We all have seeds and we can all bear fruit. Life is a magnificent fertile garden plot that has been given to us as a gift. It is our responsibility to tend our plot and to tend it in a way that brings the greatest fruitfulness.

Tomorrow … winter.

One thought on “Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life (Pt.2)

  1. Thank you Mark. Excellent encouragement with great wisdom points and insights. HaHaHa… love the changing Melbourne & GEELONG weather. Nothing like variety 🙂 Good to have a solid foundation and deep roots to weather any storms that come our way… Love your quote… “Roots grow deep when the winds are strong.”

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