As we continue to sort through all of the various emotions and heartache of the bush fires here in Victoria, lots of questions are raised and all sorts of discussions result. The age-old question of "Why?" emerges once again, a question that people have grappled with for centuries on end. Even as adults, we often find it difficult to understand what has happened and why. Where is God in all of this?
These questions can be especially difficult for children.
Here are a few resources for helping children during this time, referred to me by the Chaplain of Waverley Christian College, Peter Nash. Firstly, there are some thoughts from Michael Grose, a leading child educator in Australia. Secondly, is a document with an extensive list of a variety of resources available.
You also might be interested in a few comments I made just after the Asian tsunami.
Ask God to give you wisdom as you talk with children and young people at this time, as well as to all of those grappling with these current issues.