
Gospel singer, Andrae Crouch, passed away last Thursday at the age of 72. [Read the full story]

I'll never forget listening to my first Andrae Crouch album and being touched by the life, the energy, and the love for Jesus that exuded through Andrae's music. 

Here are my favourite Andrae Crouch albums:

  • Live at Carnegie Hall –  a classic!
  • Live in London.
  • Finally.
  • Mercy. 

Here are my favourite Andrae Crouch songs in order:

  • I Don't Know Why Jesus Loved Me.
  • My Tribute – To God be the Glory.
  • The Blood Will never Lose It's Power.
  • Soon and Very Soon.
  • It Won't Be Long.

No doubt, Andrae's in a better place … singing God's praises and maybe even leading heaven's choir!
