Despite the crisis and the turbulence of his time, Habakkuk learned to realise that God was at work and that each day was an opportunity to see God’s purposes realised in his time. The central verse of his book is this …
“For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord.”
Habakkuk 2:14. NLT
As a person of faith, he came to realise that each day was an opportunity to see more of God’s work in the world – an increase of love, courage, justice, and mercy … He had hope that God would be at work in his own turbulent times …
“Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.”
Habakkuk 3:2. NIV
I’m told that in the Chinese language the word for “crisis” (wei ji) means both danger and opportunity. Pessimists tend to focus on the danger while optimists naturally focus on the opportunity. The reality is that life is a paradox of both/and – danger and opportunity. We are wise to not ignore either aspects. However, even adversity can turn for our advantage. It all depends how we manage during uncertain times.
In the last week or so, I have had all of my speaking engagements cancelled or postponed. Interestingly, this has provided an opportunity to create some ‘video sermons’ for churches to use for their online church services. This lockdown time has also given me an opportunity to do more online coaching and to write more.
Don’t see yourself as a victim – resulting in a sense of helplessness, paranoia, and blame-shifting. Don’t be merely a survivor either. Don’t be paralysed into fear or inaction, sitting around to see what will happen or waiting for someone else to take the lead. Be a navigator. See change as an opportunity. Like a skilful sea captain of old, understand that while you can’t control the wind or the waves, you can adjust your sails to steer clear of the rocky shores. We can all be navigators – even when the winds of change howl as a fierce gale. This is our time! This will pass! We’ll get through this! There is life on the other side of coronavirus. We can walk in faith, and wisdom, as well as love and courage.
What new opportunities and new thinking could emerge for you during this time? What are some creative ways we can think and live differently at this time?