God has commanded us to love other Christians who also love Jesus!

We have been called to bless, not curse. We are to pray for God’s blessing on other churches and ministries. We are to rejoice when they grow and sorrow when they struggle.

One of my friends in ministry, Peter McHugh, who pastors a large church in our city, says, “If the church across town is growing then my church is growing.” What a wonderful attitude to adopt. We are working together for the benefit of God’s kingdom. We are not in opposition or competition with each other.

God is actually angry when we fight and hurt each other. When my two boys fight, my first concern is not to determine who was right or wrong, but that they stop fighting. Yes, the issues are important and they need to be sorted out, but my major goal is to stop them fighting and see them loving and respecting each other as brothers. I believe this is the Father’s heart as He looks at the church today. I hear Him saying, “Stop fighting, you’re brothers and sisters in Christ!”

Jesus said, “By this will all people know you are my disciples … by your love for one another” (John 13:35). God’s will is that we come to the “unity of the Spirit” (Ephesians 4:3) and eventually to a “unity of the faith” (Ephesians 4:13).

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