Here are some discussion questions you might like to consider about marriage …

  1. What was your parent’s marriage like? What ‘roles’ did your dad or mum each play and what were the expectations like? How has that influenced your view of marriage?
  2. What are some of the implications that the doctrine of the Trinity (one God existing in three persons – equal partners, unity in diversity, etc) has for marriage and human relationships?
  3. From your perspective, what are some practical tips for a good marriage?
  4. For those who are parents, what are some keys to modeling a healthy view of marriage to our children?
  5. Marriage is not a requirement. Jesus and Paul were not married. While encouraging marriage as a good thing (in a culture where its value is diminishing), how can we also improve the way we value and affirm those who are single within the church?

Finally, here are some books I would recommend that address some of the issues we have raised:

Discovering Biblical Equality – this book contains an excellent compilation of articles by leading scholars, including gordon Fee (editor). I think this is the best book available on this topic.

Beyond Sex Roles: What the Bible Says about a Women's Place in Church and Familyby Gilbert Bilizekian. This book is a classic, written by Bill Hybels' theological mentor.

Good News for Women: A Biblical Picture of Gender Equality by Rebecca Groothius.

The Trinity and Sub-Ordinationism: The Doctrine of God and the Contemporary Gender Debate by Kevin Giles. This book and the following one take an in-depth look at the Trinity as to how it informs human relationships, including marriage.

Who's Tampering with the Trinity: An Assessment of the Subordination Debate by Millard Erickson.

For a different perspective that what I have proposed, read Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by John Piper. Piper proposes that men and women are equal as persons but that they have different God-given roles in the home and the church.

2 thoughts on “Marriage God’s Way (Pt.3)

  1. My mum, now in her 70’s, was emancipated ahead of her times, working hard to feed her brood and if she had an education, she can easily be a CEO. However, she was fully submissive to my dad and they’re married to this day. So, this 21st century, Western educated working woman practises Asian submission at home & teaches her kids to respect their dad. Let the man in the house be the man : )

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