The book of Genesis is a narrative of the origins of the world, but in particular the family of Abraham. Three major world religions trace their roots back to Abraham – Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The first 11 chapters cover what is often referred to as ‘pre-history’: from the beginnings of the universe through just after Noah and the flood. The rest of the book tells the story of Abraham and the eventual birth of the nation of Israel.
Back in 2013, I helped to lead a series of messages called ORIGINS, drawing themes from these early Genesis stories. You can read a summary of three of these messages, including a link to a podcast of the messages as follows:
- ORIGINS: Genesis. In this message, I share an introduction to the book of Genesis, helping us understand and apply this ancient text to our lives today.
- ORIGINS: Creation. Science and faith, dinosaurs and the big bang. These just a few of the kinds of questions people come to book of Genesis for, hoping to find some answers. In this message, I takes an in-depth look at the story of creation, which clearly shows us who created the world and why.
- ORIGINS: Noah and the Ark. In this message, I look at the classic Sunday School story – Noah and the Ark. Humans fail to be faithful covenant partners in God’s world resulting in chaos and destruction but in God’s mercy he promises that “never again” will there be a flood that destroys the earth.
Sometimes it helps to look backward before you move forward, so you live your life from a much bigger perspective. I love the idea of an ‘ancient future’ faith. By going back to the beginning, we can glean some amazing insights about God’s original purpose for this world, all of which are incredibly relevant for our lives today in the 21st century. History really is HIS-story and you and I are called to play a significant part in the unfolding redemptive narrative. As you explore some of the early stories in Genesis, I hope that the gift of hindsight creates in you a fresh vision (foresight) of who you truly are.