Images-17 The first quarter of the year is history. Easter will soon be upon us and time continues to move forward, whether we like it or not. I am enjoying still being FORTY — nine … but not for long. I turn 50 in October this year. In fact, many of my friends have turned 50 recently. I hear that 50 is the new 40, so I am counting on that! Life does seem to go faster as you get older but maybe that's because more and more of your life is behind you rather than in front of you. 

Moses lived to the ripe old age of 120 yet he still prayed, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom (Ps.90:12. NIV)." None of us knows the future nor can we predict where our life will go. However, we know that God has plans for our lives (Jer.29:11) and if we take time to pray and reflect, we can discover … them then live them out. 

Unfortunately, many people spend more time planning their next holiday or house renovation than they do planning their life. I have personally benefited from investing regular time into thinking about my life, about God's calling, about my future, as well as about my personal and ministry development. I enjoy reading books and reflecting on life leadership. [I have made numerous posts about this subject which you can view under the 'Personal Development' category available on the right side of this BLOG]

Recently, I came across a succinct tool called "Creating Your Personal Life Plan" by Michael Hyatt, the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers in the USA. You can acquire a copy of it here and I highly recommend you do so. Set aside some time to follow the process and steps that he outlines. I think that your life will be richer for the investment. After all, you only have one life to live … and the clock is ticking … so make it the best life you can … for the advancement of God's cause on the earth and to the glory of God. 

2 thoughts on “The Importance of A Life Plan

  1. I have already seen this on Michael Hyatt’s blog. I even downloaded it. Maybe God is trying to tell me something……

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