A final thought …

This parable is the last of three parables that Jesus tells in response to the criticism of the Pharisees of him spending time with sinners.

In the first parable, a shepherd goes looking for a lost sheep and when he finds it, he calls his friends to celebrate with him. In the second parable, a woman looks for a lost coin and when she finds it, she calls her neigbours around to celebrate with her.

In the final parable, the younger son is lost but no one goes looking for him. This would have surprised the listeners as they would have been expecting someone to go. Who was supposed to go? The father? OR maybe the older brother? Cain (one of the first two brother stories in the Bible) had to learn that he was his 'brother's keeper'. This younger brother got a Pharisee for an older brother rather than a true older brother. Jesus was acting as the true older brother, spending time with younger brother types – going after them, loving and accepting them, and trying to help them to come to their senses and return to the father's house.

Will we be a true older brother, like Jesus, to the younger brothers of this world?

All three parables end with a feast – a party, a celebration. We all long to come 'home'. The gospel is 'good news' – for younger brothers and older brothers. We have a heavenly Father who loves us so much that he sent his only son to pay the price for our forgiveness and salvation. That's really good news … and worth spreading!

4 thoughts on “The Two Lost Sons (Pt.4)

  1. this is all very interesting. Do you ever take requests for stuff to blog about or does that defeat the purpose of starting your Own blog? I have mind-boggling issues about spirituality and christianity that sees me going in circles. I find myself asking God to let me know if A. my queries are even relevant, and B. what the answers are to them and finally S. whether someone could help me find the answers or is it something i just have to find on my own. The short of it is that I pray for ABS a lot but the answer doesnt seem to be forthcoming. Why do some people pray and get answers and i can’t.

  2. Hi Bart
    Yes, sure, you can ask any questions you want and I’ll do my best to help out, along with others who regularly visit the blog.

  3. Thanks Mark, If its relevant to the blog I will pipe up. But one thing i don’t understand is the Voice of God. I know i heard from God like once, i know there are other voices which aren’t God, but when is the rubber supposed to hit the road with regards to a christian having guidance from the Holy Spirit. This i don’t understand. I know for some its as simple as “eating your breakfast”. But i am going bananas trying to be led by the spirit or thinking this or that thought is spirit-led. As a result i think i am being led by guilt and emotions rather than joy, love, peace of the Holy Spirit. Do you or anybody else have any thoughts or advice with regards to my issue..?

  4. Hi Bart
    Good question!
    A suggestion – go to our church web site (www.citylifechurch.com) under ‘Resources’ then ‘Sermon Notes’ and you’ll find 2 page summary of a message entitled ‘Getting to Know God – Listening to God’s Voice’.
    Also, check out the ‘Spirituality’ category to the right side of this blog.
    Hope that helps a bit

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