Craig Craig Groeschel is the senior pastor of in the USA. I had the privilege of speaking at a conference with him in Chicago a few years ago. I love his heart and spirit. His church is setting an example in the free sharing of resources for the wider church.

Craig's recent article entitled 'Cool is No Longer Cool' posted on his blog is very good. It highlights the need for us to always avoid allowing style to replace substance or hype to replace the Holy Spirit.

8 thoughts on “When Being Cool Hinders Ministry

  1. Craig Rocks….I love how he gives all his media stuff kingdom minded.
    Hopefully his example will lead others to do the same.

  2. I read this with interest and one comment in particular caught my eye – heres my response to that site.
    From an Aussie I can’t agree more with the fact that we just need to get REAL.
    I was somewhat amazed at one comment higher up that endorsed that posting by Craig only to launch into a list of what makes us succesful.
    Nowhere did in that list mention a relationship with Jesus, our Lord, our deliverer, comforter, friend – our MATE.
    I would put that at the only criteria for living. He is our best friend and nothing can take that away.
    Surely the rest will follow.

  3. love the ‘back to basics’ thing..I know that strikes a chord with many of my christian friends who are weary of the hoopla and gimmicks some churches rely on to ‘pull in’ a crowd…
    I agree with Petra, he does look like Tom Cruise… for many that would be cool .. and it is maybe for some hindering too.. a bit ironic..
    would he have as big a following or the same success in ministry if he looked like a geek?
    Gee , I think this is opening a can of worms.(LOL)
    Mark G

  4. There is a difference between being ‘Contemporary’ and being ‘relevant’.
    By definition, ‘contemporary’ means ‘fashionable’ or ‘in vogue’ or ‘popular’ (as in popular culture) >>> whilst ‘relevant’ means ‘pertinent to a persons NEEDS’.
    Many Contemporay churches have confused the (different) meaning of the two terms.
    A Church can be contemporary, pandering to and pleasing the desires of the many – whilst at the same time being totally irrelevant by NOT delivering what they really need.

  5. Hands up all those who know Craig personally and know his heart.
    Quote by Pastor Craig: “Iā€™m thrilled so many leaders are placing less emphasis on being cool and more emphasis on being like Christ.”
    This says to me that he’s advocating a personal relationship with Jesus and encouraging others to adhere to the Bible teaching.
    I think that Craig’s heart is in the right place and he is on the right track. Good on him!
    God loves you and those around you. He is a righteous Judge and sees where we can’t šŸ™‚
    Man judges by what he sees, God looks upon the heart… The Bible says, “12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13 And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.(Hebrews 4:12,13).
    “God sees NOT as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7b)
    Hope you all enjoy your day. Shalom blessings.

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