One Thing What one thing could you change right now that would have the biggest impact on your life?

Is it starting to do something that you're not doing?

Is it stopping doing something?

Is it doing more of something … or less of something?

Have a think about it … then why not go ahead and make the change. Remember, what you tolerate, you will never change.

I pray that you have the courage and strength to do so.

P.S. For me, it's trying to consistently grab one full hour each morning to invest in my personal well-being – through prayer, Bible reading, exercise, and a healthy breakfast. If I could do this consistently, it would have the biggest impact in my life.

5 thoughts on “One thing to change your world …

  1. Hi Mark!
    I will have to get used to this new look of your blog…errr, don’t quite like the color and the layout as much but then, it’s the contents that counts πŸ™‚
    In answer to your question, the one change that would impact me the most will be to pursue more of God. We live in such a performance-oriented world and this has unfortunately crept into the Christian culture.
    My reading of Romans 9 this morning, particularly verses 30 – 33, has reinforced my desire to grow closer to the Lord by pursuing him, not “works”. Talk about a “sea change”, I need a “Christ-change”!

  2. “See-change to Christ” is really good Lil πŸ™‚
    What an encouraging way to start each day, Mark, by having a pep talk with Jesus first thing in the morning and taking a wash in the Word πŸ™‚ Empowers one to meet the daily challenges head on. Your blog is only 2nd. 2 God’s Word. My daily fix πŸ™‚ Have a great day.

  3. Hi Mark,
    This is the first time I’ve looked at your blog properly since you made the changes. It’s good and I like your new guidelines.
    I already made the change after you sent this challenge last week to CityLifers and that was to not allow the fear of failure stop me from trying new things. Hence, I’m going ahead with writing my book. It’s easy to get bogged down with the technical side of ‘how to write a book’ so, thanks for your encouraging words “Sometimes you just need to do it.” (Not verbatim.)
    I also want to encourage you with your exercise. The energy from having a healthy body will serve you well to do all that you currently do.
    My husband, Reiner and I went to Bootcamp last Oct and since then, we have been keeping up with our exercise bar a few weeks off due to bad weather and illness. I never thought I could run but now know I can and I can even chase my kids in the park!
    Have a great day!

  4. Thanks Sheeren. I’m off with Nicole tomorrow morning for a long walk in Sherbrook Forest πŸ™‚

  5. What’s it all about? Hey? Here’s an interesting scripture: β€œJesus answered,
    “The WORK of God is this: to BELIEVE in the ONE He has SENT.” – John 6:29
    To sum it up: It’s all about Jesus πŸ™‚

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