
Many have lauded the election of President Barack Obama as a new day for African-Americans, after a long history of abuse and mistreatment. Unfortunately, racism is still alive and well in America. 

Click here to read a shocking report of recent incidents since the election.

Prejudice based on skin colour is not only sad, it is morally wrong. Each human being is created in the image of God and is to be treated with dignity and respect. The apostle Paul tells us that 'in Christ' there is neither Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male nor female (Galatians 3:28). This does not mean that racial, socio-economic, and gender differences cease to exist (they don't) but that are no longer to be a cause for segregation or prejudice.  

One of the things I love about CityLife Church is that we have over 100 nationalities represented in our community, which now numbers over 8000 people. I love this diversity as it gives us a bit of foretaste of heaven, where people from every people group will gather around the throne to worship God (see Revelation 7:9). 

God is an incredibly innovative God who created difference on purpose. Let's value the differences and remember that unity is not uniformity but rather harmony in diversity.

2 thoughts on “Racism

  1. How very sad to read that racism is STILL alive in the USA!
    Great message Mark. Totally agree with you.
    It’s so heartwarming to know that there’s a diversity of many nations worshiping God together at City Life, in love and in unity, as one body in Christ! WOW 100 plus nations now!!! AWESOME! 🙂 Now that sure IS a foretaste of “Heaven on Earth!”
    Australia is a melting pot of so many nations who are working together as one… Seems like every nation has gathered here…a veritable ark of God 🙂
    Here’s a quote from USA’s senator Robert F. Kennedy, who was a man of passionate conviction, carrying a message of change, and for the forlorn and dispossessed of America, a message of hope!
    “Few people will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all these acts will be written the history of this generation.” –Robert F. Kennedy

  2. Hi Mark, it’s most encouraging! What caught my eyes when I walked into CityLife first time was the great atmosphere of welcoming all nations inside the building and in the services!
    BTW, thank you for allowing me to use your teaching. My coworkers were so excited that they called themselves the DREAM team after the sharing. Thank you once again!

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