Our final question is:

5. How is your love?

Love is the most important thing in our life (see 1 Corinthians 13). As someone once said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!”

Christian love is a choice to do good to others.

Love forgives and seeks reconciliation. Have you been offended this year? Has someone hurt you? Have you hurt someone? How is it with your soul? Have you forgiven? Have you asked for forgiveness?

Enlarge your ‘circle of love’. Who is in your circle? Is it an open circle?

Jesus accepted everyone no matter who they were (see Romans 5:8). His ministry philosophy was “Come as you are … and be changed.” Is that ours too or it is more like the religious leaders of his day who basically said, “Change to be like us … and then you can come.”

Ask God to fill you afresh with His love … for all people.

How is your love?


How did you go with your check up?

What will you do about the results? After all, only YOU are responsible for these things. I know I have some things to work on. If we ignore the check up, we’ll pay for it. However, if we make the necessary adjustments, we will see many benefits flow into our lives.

All the best for the second half of your year!

3 thoughts on “A Personal Check Up (Pt. 6)

  1. Thanks Mark for these great thoughts and probing questions. I also appreciated your thoughts on building a great marriage last week. Your blog constantly challenges and encourages me….thanks for doing it!

  2. I just hate it when I feel convicted like this. I was my happy glib self, surfing the net, and now I will have to wrestle this out and repent.

  3. Hi Mark,
    recently found your blog. Your messages continually challenge me.
    Thanks, and keep delivering the message

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